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Boondock Saints, The Script

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Average user rating
   (9.12 out of 10)

  Troy Duffy


Script Date : August 1997
Movie Release Date : January 2000

Read "Boondock Saints, The" Script

User Comments for Boondock Saints, The

Matt G (10 out of 10 )
The Boondock Saints is one of my all time favorite movies. Hands down. I'll definitely enjoy reading Duffy's shooting script, which shouldn't be too far off the version shown in theaters.

Kevin M (10 out of 10 )
This movie is one of the best movies ever made. The script's a little off, but still.

Ben K (10 out of 10 )
The Boondock Saints is amazing. That is all there is to it. Nothing can beat the action sequences and suspense it offers. I can watch this movie over and over and never get tired of it. So, thank you to Troy Duffy for making an incredible movie.

Lola M (1 out of 10 )
Truly one of the most abysmal movies of all time. Lacks a true sense of drama, structure or impact.

Lauren (10 out of 10 )
One of the best movies ever produced. The actors and screenplay are flawless. Go on Duffy!

John (7 out of 10 )
I'm getting tired of everyone to loves Boondock Saints just because it's popular. Yes, the movie is enjoyable and very stylized in a way that makes a DP weep with joy. But the truth is, the structure of the screenplay is a mess and it doesn't help the dramatics of the story at all. There is no character development and their actions don't really progress any form of a story beyond killing the bad guys. Props to making some three dimentional characters, but in all honesty, the movie isn't amazing or anything.

Frederik (10 out of 10 )
I watched this movie for the second time and now I am starting to understand all these different layers. The symbolism in this movie is astonishing. I am not really aware of the popularity of these characters, but this movie deserves all the honour it can get.

Sara_SAU (10 out of 10 )
As the only girl on here with something GOOD to say, I got to tell ya, this is easily the best movie I've ever seen. I can watch it over and over and still find something I didn't get or see before. It's an amazing movie! The screenplay is a bit of a mess, but I like the changes they made when compared to the movie. Those that don't think this movie is amazing are too naive to understand it in all of its beautiful complexities. And yes, the characters do progress, you just got to catch the subtleties. So there! Rock on Duffy!

Alessandra (10 out of 10 )
LOLA M. You are so wrong! The Boondock Saints is the best, now do me a favor and stop talking all that nonsense and sh**. " Now, you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim. It is your evil, who will be sought by us. With every breath we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill their blood till it rains down from the skies. Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions. They are codes of behavior and those that ignore them will pay the dearest cost. There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth Not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption. Into our domain. For if you do, there will come the day when you look behind you and see we three. And on that day you will reap it. And we will send you to whatever God you wish." LOLA M. Just don't say things that are not true. .

LOKI angel of death (10 out of 10 )
Alessandrea. Thanks for saying something about lola's B.S., taking a quote from the movie isn't a very strong argument (it is an awesome quote though) & all will realize it one day. As for lola, 1) You don't like it, that's your opinion. 2) If you don't like it at all, why waste time reviewing and rating? 3) Does life always have drama and structure and impact. NEIN! So for future reference, don't write about what you think is a waste of time. One last question for lola. Did you actually see the movie? Or just read the script?

NeoSaint (10 out of 10 )
Amazing movie. I've watched it countless times. It never gets old. Very well written and the plot is excellent. One of my all time favorites ever. It actually deserves 11 stars.

sam (10 out of 10 )
Boondock saints is sweet but that script couldn't be farther off in the beginning, there are no words said by the mcmanus brother's mom and some of the script is from the deleted scenes. Maybe the version I saw was different but it was nothing like that. The mcmanus brothers did not have shaved heads.

Ace (10 out of 10 )
Didnt like it at first but after watching it over and over it sticks to you and you really realize what this movie was really saying. Plus the lines that everyone has are killer. E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

Derek (10 out of 10 )
I love when people can take such a fantastic movie and say things like Lola M. Can you do better? No, you can't. You lack a true sense of good taste.

Laure (10 out of 10 )
It's a really good movie and the script is great. Both Connor and Murphy are pretty hot. Anyways the script is actually quite similar to the film if you have seen the deleted scenes.

Nyxi (10 out of 10 )
The Boondock Saints is beyond a smidgen of a doubt my favorite movie of all time. It combines humor, action, and religion better than what I had imagined was possible before seeing it. I was a bit confused the first time I watched it, what with all the flash backs/forwards, but after watching it a bazillion times I finally get it, and I keep noticing things. But above all it made me think about things. Like before this I never really thought that anyone could do something considered evil and horrible to help people. Not to mention, I think almost every girl that's seen this movie has to admit that the twins are hot. Rock on Connor and Murph.

beast_of_burden (9 out of 10 )
Has nobody here seen the the godfather? Lawrence of Arabia? I mean c'mon people. I would dare say snatch is a better film than boondock saints. It's not a bad movie, but there are better movies out there. Put down the dropkick murphys cd's and turn off the flogging molly in your ipod and stop downloading that new single from the tossers you big bunch of dark beer drinking pseudo-unks. Stop being fake Irish, we both know not all of you is even half Irish, and go watch great movies, not good movies.

Johnny Nails (10 out of 10 )
How can you not give this above a 7? Well, I guess I understand. There are going to be negative comments made because the movie has alot to do with the lead characters religion and the fact that they are using thier religion to justify thier choice of becomeing vigilantes. Moreover, as history teaches us, when it comes to religion people tend to get carried away, no matter what the reason. Also, There are people out there that like to hate popular things just because they are popular. But when you break down the story, the cinematography, the acting, and the fact that troy duffy was a first time director AND writer, this film is extraordinary.

Jay (9 out of 10 )
Although Duffy shouldn't even be allowed to direct traffic, let alone a major motion picture, the Boondock Saints scripts is one of the best scripts ever penned. The final product of the Boondock Saint is absolutely terrible! (The style, direction, acting, music, etc. all fell way short never even coming close to it's written potential). The movie as a whole no better than a C grade movie and only receives that much praise due to the script alone. Don't waste your time watching the movie! But do yourself a favor and READ this script again and again. Duffy: Next time leave the film making to the film makers.

Kleng (10 out of 10 )
I'm not going to write a whole paragraph long speech on how good the movie is or isn't. The fact is, I usually hate movies all together, but I liked this one. End of story.

Mollie (10 out of 10 )
A friend made me watch this movie a few weeks ago. I like it so much that I have watched it or listened to it at work over 10 times in 3 weeks. The story is an excellent one to tell... one that we have all thought about at some point just like Connor tells Rocco. You have humor, pain, good, evil, susupense, action, drama...everything a good movie should have (no romance, my only boo for the movie lol). If you haven't seen it you should. Troy Duffy did an excellent job. I sincerely hope the second is as good! Come on October 30, 2009!

Matt (3 out of 10 )
After watching the movie, then reading the screenplay, this movie is no more than a decent, curse filled, michael bay movie.

Amay (10 out of 10 )
Being as our world has become increasingly more and more for those who have criminal minds and criminal intent, I am completely drawn to this movie. I love the second one also. I am attempting to patiently wait for the third movie to come out, although that is more rumor and wishful thinking. I have to say though, the closing lines from the first movie," Now, you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim. It is your evil, who will be sought by us. With every breath we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill their blood until it rains down from the skies. Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions. They are codes of behavior and those that ignore them will pay the dearest cost. There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth Not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption. Into our domain. For if you do, there will come the day when you look behind you and see we three. And on that day you will reap it. And we will send you to whatever God you wish." If truer words could ever be spoken. Could you imagine our world if our justice system could be so absolute? Forget the 3rd, 4th, and 5th chances that we keep giving these repeat offenders that keep us locking our doors even in the middle of the day. Boondock Saints Rock. It is just too bad we didn't have more like them in our real world.

jesse (9 out of 10 )
When I first saw this movie I thought it was just okay-didnt understand what all the fuss was about-but the more I watch it the more I notice how brillant troy duffy's vision is with the 'code of ethics' they live by, william dafoe as a smarmy homo etc. He made this film on a shoestring budget. Take away all the see. G. I from avatar or spiderman. Are they still as good? Duffy had none of that.

Karen (10 out of 10 )
BEST Movie! Those who hated it just don't understand it, it's multi layered, and so damn good. Defoe is awesome, it's a crazy movie kind of like Wild at Heart almost. It goes way over a lot of peoples heads.

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"Boondock Saints, The" Script

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