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Schindler's List Script

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   (9.05 out of 10)

  Steven Zaillian


Read "Schindler's List" Script

User Comments for Schindler's List

Billy (6 out of 10 )
Does anyone know what song is played in the background for the scene where Oscar disturbs the leitenant from his table, and he talks to the leitenants girlfriend??

Erin (5 out of 10 )
"Gloomy Sunday"

Brandon (10 out of 10 )
or it might have been "Por Una Cabeza", performed by Itzhak Perlman. Any how, I loved this film, and it ranks as my 2nd Favorite Movie of All Time.... :o)

Maverick (10 out of 10 )
spielbergs best performance

Limey (10 out of 10 )
Haunting is a much overused word, but it really is the only one suitable to describe this devastating masterpiece. When words escape you, when you're lost trying to explain how the humanity of a nation evaporated, Stephen Spielberg bids us to never to look away with this suffocating, visually beautifully portrayal. If only Spielberg would apply himself more frequently to challenges such as this and Amistad - and leave the anodyne family fun to lesser film makers.

Danii (10 out of 10 )
This is definitely one of my favourite movies ever. Definitely, Steven Spielburg is my favourite director, and this is totally one of his best pieces of work, maybe even the best. This movie is just so powerful, and makes you think so much. I haven't stopped thinking about it since I saw it. I think Spielburg's choice to put the film in black and white to focus on the history was exactly right, with only touches of colour that I won't speak of, so as not to spoil the movie for viewers. But this is defintely one of the best movies I have ever seen. Ralph Fiennes gives an amazing performance as Amon Goeth, he is such an amazing and versatile actor. Liam Neeson gave his best performance as Schindler, and this is my favourite of his movies. We watched this in history, and it is the most accurate film I've ever seen, at least about the Holocaust. Gripping, powerful, thought provoking - this movie is definitely a must see. Thanks for the script, so much!

Anna (5 out of 10 )
Does anyone know the significance of the door hinge scene?

Monica (9 out of 10 )
This movie is exceptional. The movie captured the reality of the situation and the effects of the Holocaust. It was amazing how much Oskar Schindler did for the Jews. The movie could have done without all of the sex scenes though.

Eva (10 out of 10 )
A truly beautiful film. And to think I had pretty much given up on German cineography, and German fine arts in general. This certainly forces me to review my opinions on the connection between Germany and 'stunning film'.

buster (10 out of 10 )
This is one of the funniest movies ever made! Jk. IT was sad.

Angelica (10 out of 10 )
As I watched, I hated it. I didn't realize until the end that it was a wonderful movie. It is probaly one of the best movies I have ever seen!

Margaret (10 out of 10 )
I watched this is school as part of our holocaust curriculum. This subject hits our teacher hard and he really wanted us to know about it. He's been to a lot of places in this movie. Anyway this movie did amazingly, it's definitely the best movie I've seen. It's so sad, I love how he did it in almost all black and white but then he did some in color. There's no other word to describe how the movie left me other than huanted. It got me really thinking. I'm about to read the script right now because sometimes it gives me a better feeling of the movie when I read the script.

SD (10 out of 10 )
One of the greatest films ever made on the saddest events to happen in history. This subject hits every one. Never for get the holocaust and Shindler.

DEM Ravager (10 out of 10 )
This is truly one of the greatest films ever made. It's an epic, moving, dramatic portrayel of the Holocaust, and the horror that the Jews themselves felt and lived through. The scene where they storm the ghetto and find the man playing on the piano one perhaps one of the greatest scenes I've ever been able to see on film. And Ralph Fiennes gives an extraordinary performance as the brutish German SS officer Amon Goeth. This was perhaps his best performance (I've not seen English Patient yet) and he stunningly displays a sick, twisted, and yet very human portrayel. The scene I enjoyed especially was the few when he "pardoned" his workers.

Max Wonnacott (9 out of 10 )
Does anyone know the piece of violin music that is played at the beginning of the film as we see schindler getting dressed?

Mr. Bartusch (10 out of 10 )
They should've shown that part in the script where Schindler gets taken before the court and says to the Judges, "[Amon Goethe] Stole our country blind." Also, they should've had that part in the script where Goethe is walking in the Berlinnitz munitions factory with Schindler and the worker spits on Goethe's face. Both would've been cool additions, and appropriate.

peter (10 out of 10 )
This is a brilliant film on a very disturbing subject. What happened to those poor people in that concentration camp is beyond words. 63 years after the liberation of the camp, the memories must still be painful for the handful of survivors that still are alive. I get a chill through my body every time I watch it. The realism, the bloodthirsty executions of the jewish ghetto is just frightening. We are fortunate to live in a world that is free of such atrocities; although I will concede, not all the world lives in harmony. I love this film and any film that leaves its mark.

Randyno (10 out of 10 )
This is a phenominal script, the script is carefully crafted, it delivered intrigue in an unfathomable manner - oh and the dialougue, so rich every written word was so fitting and magical- every scene captivating. Tremendous praise to Steven Zallian for his masterful scene descriptions. The Script is a true masterpiece.

Cameron (6 out of 10 )
What is the name of that piece of music that the German soldier is playing while the shooting is going on?

Lena (10 out of 10 )
The significance of the hinge scene was to show how little the Nazis valued the Jewish life. The man did not have enough hinges to satisfy them so he was seen as worthless. The soldiers did not care to stop and find out why the man didn't have enough hinges made. We find out after they attempt to murder the man that one of the machines in the factory had broken down so he was put to work else where.

Stuart (10 out of 10 )
The failing lighter in the following scene, may clearly show that Oskar Schindler may have tampered with Amon Goethe's both guns by either, tampering with the mechanism of both firearms or loading both clips with duds. Schindler may had managed this in the previous scene (at Schindler's party) it is likely that Amon Goethe "had his way" with one of these women. While both were sleeping from heavy intoxication, Schindler (could have also paid a woman to do this), had either damaged or switched both guns (which were damaged) and/or both clips. It may be further evident that Schindler (knowing just how cruel the Nazis can be) had done this in hopes of saving even one worker. According to the film, Oskar Schindler had also deliberately sabotaged the machines in his factory by producing duds or ill-fitting shells. I had come up with this theory when I seen the lighter glow in the following scene.

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"Schindler's List" Script

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