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                                Screenplay by

                  Jon Spaihts, Denis Villeneuve & Eric Roth

                         Based on the novel 'Dune' by

                                 Frank Herbert

                                               June 19, 2020 Salmon

                                                Final Shooting Draft


     Prologue about SPICE TBD                                           

                                                      FADE IN:          

1    DREAM SEQUENCE: EXT. ARRAKIS - END OF DAY                     1

     The planet Arrakis, as seen from space.

     Track across its endless windswept terrain.

     We glide into a low-hanging dark cloud that's generated by a
     massive mining vehicle, a HARVESTER, kicking up glowing
     flecks of SPICE. We PUSH through the SPICE, creating a
     dreamlike swirl of orange flakes.

     Through the swirl WE REVEAL a SECOND HARVESTER airborne,
     being hauled by a powerful CARRYALL.

     ON THE GROUND - HARKONNEN SOLDIERS flanking the harvester,
     leading the industrial nightmare through the darkness. One of
     them holds a massive flag bearing the HARKONNEN EMBLEM.

     Now these soldiers are observed through the P.O.V. of a
     thermal scope. Reveal that this scope is attached to a
     strange MISSLE LAUNCHER, one of multiple cloth-shrouded
     weapons being wielded by a small band of blue-eye FREMEN
     FIGHTERS taking cover behind a sprawling black rock. A young
     female fighter, CHANI, is among them; along with a man who we
     will know later as JAMIS. A closer look at Chani.

     Flickering Fremen PLASMA LASERS lance up at the second
     Crawler, EXPLODING it and the Carryall that carries it.

     Rockets are launched from the Harvester to retaliate,
     incinerating several of the Fremen in a brutal strike.

     The few surviving Fremen run for cover through a CREVASSE in
     their rocky position. Last through this opening is Chani.
     Before she disappears into this underground opening, Chani
     turns to look back with soul-piercing eyes, straight at us.



     In the wee hours of the night, PAUL ATREIDES, 16 years old,
     wakes up, startled by the dream.

     He sits in his bed... troubled.
                          Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)              2.

     TITLES: CALADAN                                                    
             HOMEWORLD OF HOUSE OF ATREIDES                             
             YEAR 10191 AG                                              


     LADY JESSICA, 35, sits a table laden with food. Crystal            
     glassware. She's looking out at the beautiful valley. Wistful      
     for the paradise she must soon leave behind.                       

                           PAUL (O.S.)                                  

     She turns to see Paul crossing the room to join her. As he         
     takes his seat at the other end of the table and begins            
     piling food on his plate...                                        

               It's good you're up early. Your                          
               father wants you in full dress                           
               before the Emperor's Herald                              

               Full dress. Military?                                    


     He slumps a bit at that. Much rather be in military...             

               Why do we have to go through all                         
               this, when it's already been                             


     Paul can't help but smile at that. His mother has a way of         
     thinking two steps beyond him at all times...                      

     Jessica pours a glass of water for him. He reaches across the      
     table, expecting her to hand it to him, but she doesn't.           
     Instead, she puts it down right in front of her.                   

     Paul knows what she's doing, and he's in no mood.                  

               I just woke up. Can I please-- ?                         
                     Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                3.

          If you want it, make me give it to                      
          you. Use the Voice.                                     

A heavy sigh from Paul. Then... fine. He shrugs. Whatever.        
Looks right at her, and in a mocking impression of some kind      
of growly wizard...                                               

          GIVE ME THE WATERRRRRR.                                 

Lady Jessica is not amused. Not giving him any reaction.          
Okay. She wins. He takes a moment to collect himself, then        
stares at the glass, and:                                         

                    PAUL (CONT'D)                                 
          Give. Me. The Water.                                    

Nothing happens. He puts his hands up, like... "I tried."         

          The glass can't hear you.                               
          Command me.                                             

There's authority in her voice. It shakes him out of his          
impetuousness. A cleansing breath. He closes his eyes. Draws      
on something within himself.                                      

His eyes open, focused on Jessica:                                

          GIVE ME THE WATER.                                      

His words ripple through the air, folding in and around           
themselves, a hundred whispers but only one voice. It's           
nothing you've ever heard a human do.                             

Jessica watches her own hand as it reaches for the glass. Her     
mind struggles to defy his command. Has he done it...?            

She lifts the glass, begins to move it to him... and then         
stops. Puts the glass down. His Voice wasn't strong enough to     
break her. But she's pleased.                                     



He reaches far across the table and grabs the glass.              
                        Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                  4.

                         PAUL (CONT'D)                                  
               Better than anyone else has ever                         

               Better than any man has ever done.                       

     Touché. He lifts his water glass to that, then drinks. And         
     shovels more food in his mouth. Still boyish.                      

                         JESSICA (CONT'D)                               
               You look tired. More dreams?                             

     He hesitates a moment too long before he gives her the lie:        


2D   EXT. CALADAN TARMAC - DAY                                    2D

     Several Atreides flags flapping in the wind.

     Paul squints at a distant spaceship in the bright morning          
     sky. It comes in fast.                                             

     The huge Imperial Spacecraft lands. Its door opens: a red          
     carpet deploys automatically, rolling at high speed across         
     the tarmac.

     A phalanx of dignitaries gets out, men and women in varying        
     degrees of ceremonial dress, and led by strikingly formal man      
     carrying an ornate SCROLL.                                         

     They stride across the tarmac. On each side, ATREIDES              
     OFFICERS in formation. Waiting at the end of the red carpet:       

     DUKE LETO ATREIDES in ceremonial noble dress. A soldier's          
     build and a poet's eyes. At his side, LADY JESSICA.                

     To their left and right, THUFIR HAWAT, unmistakably a              
     Mentat... and GURNEY HALLECK, who is as sour and                   
     uncomfortable as his Duke is warm and welcoming.                   

     Leto keeps his eyes straight forward, but:                         

                   (whispers to Gurney)                                 
               Smile, Gurney.                                           

     Gurney's scowling face doesn't change.                             
                   Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                  5.

              (whispers back)                                     
          I am smiling.                                           

Which makes the Duke actually smile, which makes Gurney           
actually smile juuust a little too.                               

          How much will they spend traveling                      
          here for this formality?                                

The question jolt's Hawat's mind into Mentat functioning. His     
eyes roll back as he calculates.                                  

              (eyes flickering)                                   
          Three Guild Navigators, fifty-two                       
          parsecs...figure a hundred and                          
          forty decagrams of spice...a total                      
          of one-point-four-six million                           
          solaris, round-trip.                                    

Leto and Gurney sigh.                                             

At the end of the Atreides lineup... PAUL, in ceremonial          
dress, staring at this curious retinue in front of him.           

Among them are royal courtiers of some kind, as well as a         
woman in what appears to be religious garb. She keeps her         
eyes cast to the ground.                                          

The procession stops a respectful distance from the Duke, and     
the man with the scroll says, in a loud, officious voice:         

                    HERALD OF THE CHANGE                          
          By the grace of Shaddam IV of House                     
          Corrino, Ascendant to the Golden                        
          Lion Throne and Padisha Emperor of                      
          the Known Universe, I stand before                      
          you as Herald of the Change.                            

He gestures to those who have accompanied him.                    

                    HERALD OF THE CHANGE (CONT'D)                 
          We are witnessed by members of the                      
          imperial court, representatives of                      
          the Spacing Guild, and a sister of                      
          the Bene Gesserit.                                      

The RELIGIOUS WOMAN finally lifts her eyes to see JESSICA         
staring right back at her. They share a similar kind of           
adornment to their clothing. As if part of the same order.        
                   Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)               6.

The Bene Gesserit woman does not look down anymore. And you      
would be forgiven to think she did not come here to witness      
the signing of a document... but for something else.             

                    HERALD OF THE CHANGE (CONT'D)                
          House Atreides is one of oldest and                    
          most respected members of the                          
          Landsraad. In the wake of the                          
          failure of House Harkonnen, the                        
          other Great Houses have turned to                      
          you in hope. Shaddam IV agrees.                        

With a flourished SNAP, the Herald unfurls the SCROLL.           

                    HERALD OF THE CHANGE (CONT'D)                
          House Atreides will immediately                        
          take control of Arrakis and serve                      
          as its steward. Do you accept?                         

Leto steps forward, and the Atreides TURN AS ONE to face him.    

          For centuries, House Atreides has                      
          stood for honor. Not only for                          
          itself, but for the benefit of all.                    
          Now the Emperor gives us his                           
          unconditional trust. He wants us to                    
          BRING PEACE ON ARRAKIS!                                

That was no mere formality. That was passion. And we can see     
in the faces of the Atreides men... they love their Duke.        
Paul feels it too. His father is a great man. An                 
intimidatingly great man.                                        

                     LETO (CONT'D)                               
          We are House Atreides. There is no                     
          call we do not answer. There is no                     
          faith that we betray. The Emperor                      
          asks us to lead.                                       
          House Atreides... ACCEPTS.                             

With one voice, the officers shout out:                          

          ATREIDES! ATREIDES! ATREIDES!                          

The Herald is pleased. He gestures for Duke Leto to approach.    
Leto takes the ceremonial quill and signs the scroll.            

Then the Bene Gesserit sister steps forward and lights a         
small stick of wax, muttering a prayer to herself as the wax     
drips into a pool on the scroll.                                 
                           Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)               7.

                            HERALD OF THE CHANGE                        
               Your seal.                                               

     Duke Leto holds up his hand. On it, a SIGNET RING. He presses      
     it carefully into the wax.                                         

     THE BENE GESSERIT looks at Jessica once more... then casts         
     her eyes toward PAUL... then back to Jessica.                      

     Jessica tries to keep her composure, but a message has just        
     been sent. And whatever it is, it has frightened her.              

     Leto pulls his ring away from the seal. The Herald checks it,      
     is pleased, and then quickly rolls the scroll back up.             

                         HERALD OF THE CHANGE (CONT'D)                  
               The Emperor has assigned a Judge of                      
               the Change to oversee the                                
               transition. The Judge will meet you                      
               upon your arrival.                                       

               So... it's done?                                         

     The Herald looks right into the Duke's eyes. The hint of an        
     unsettling smile on his face.                                      

                            HERALD OF THE CHANGE                        
               It's done.                                               

2B   EXT. CALADAN - DAY                                           2B

     Lush mountains. A ear-splitting noise breaks the silence.          

     A FIGHTER SPACECRAFT flies by at high speed and ridiculously       
     low altitude, then does a brutal maneuver between rocks,
     leaving only echoes of thunder in the valley.                      

1A   INT. CALADAN MILITARY HANGAR - MORNING                       1A    

     The Fighter lands with reckless speed but great precision, in      
     a military hangar.                                                 

     Nearby, a squad of ATREIDES COMMANDOS are prepping equipment:      
     Swords, lasguns and rocket-launchers. Armor and shield             
     generators. Survival gear. They radiate calm confidence.           
     Comrades-in-arms who have come through many battles together.      

     A powerfully large man, DUNCAN IDAHO, in his pilot's uniform,      
     helmet tucked under his arm, is circling the ship with an          
     OFFICER (LANVILLE) and TWO TECHNICIANS.                            
                      Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)               8.

          Stabilizers still too lose.                             

          We'll dial `em in.                                      

Duncan lays one huge hand on Lanville's shoulder.                 

          Dial faster.                                            

Lanville grin and nods. Duncan turns to his commandos to give     
more instructions, then sees:                                     

                      DUNCAN (CONT'D)                             

Paul's been waiting at the entrance of the hanger. Duncan         
runs to him and wraps the boy in a hug.                           


              (pushing Paul back)                                 
          You put on muscle!                                      

          I did?                                                  

          No. Try eating something.                               

Paul's laugh is short: his mood is too serious for joking. He     
checks to make sure no one's in earshot.                          

          So... you're going back to Arrakis                      
          tomorrow. With the advance team.                        


Paul screws up the courage to ask the impossible. Then:           

          I would like you to take me with                        

          You do? Oh. Too bad. Because no.                        

                        Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)               9.

               You trying to get me court-                              
                   (he studies Paul)                                    
               What's going on?                                         

               Can I trust you with something?                          

               Always. You know that.                                   

               I've been having dreams.                                 
               About Arrakis.                                           

1C   DREAM SEQUENCE: EXT. ARRAKIS DESERT - DAY                    1C    

     On the surface of a sand dune, orange SPARKS. Dancing into         
     the air, shining in the sun like orange snowflakes. SPICE.         

                         PAUL (V.O.)                                    
               I saw the spice sands in the deep                        
               desert. The Fremen, fighting for                         
               their lands.                                             

     We see glimpses: HARVESTERS. HARKONNENS. THE FREMEN AT WAR.        

               And there's...                                           

     CHANI LOOKS RIGHT AT US.                                           

                         CHANI (V.O.)                                   

               ...there's a girl.                                       

               Now we're talking...                                     

     Paul doesn't react to Duncan's humor, lost in his visions.         

               I saw the Harkonnen legions...                           
                           Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)           10.

1D   EXT. SPACEPORT TARMAC, DAY                                   1D    

     Thousands of HARKONNEN SOLDIERS walk into the open bays of         
     their SPACECRAFT. Flags bearing the HARKONNEN EMBLEM are           
     everywhere. One huge spacecraft lifts off.                         

                         PAUL (V.O.)                                    
               I watched them leave Arrakis.                            

1E   ARRAKIS FROM SPACE                                           1E    

     An impressive fleet of military ships bearing the Harkonnen        
     Emblem is leaving Arrakis.                                         

     CALADAN MILITARY HANGAR                                            

               Okay, so... you dreamed about stuff                      
               we all know about.                                       

               The first dream was a month ago.                         
               Before any of this happened.                             

     Whoa. Silence. Then, very seriously:                               

               Well... that's a hell of                                 

               I dreamt about you. With the                             


     Duncan's strong silhouette clearly visible among FREMEN,           
     hiding in the shadow of a huge rock. They wear stillsuits.         

     CALADAN MILITARY HANGAR                                            

     Duncan is exhilarated:                                             

               So I will find them! There's a good                      
                   (off Paul's grim face)                               
                        Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                11.

1G   INT. KYNES'S LABORATORY CORRIDOR (ARRAKIS)                   1G    

     Dead soldiers lie scattered across a sandy stone floor.            
     Duncan lies among them.                                            

     CALADAN MILITARY HANGAR                                            

               I saw you lying dead. Fallen in                          
               battle. Your face clean-shaven.                          

     Duncan is briefly shaken -- but Paul's last words flood his        
     face with relief. He claps his hands.                              

               Whew! Okay! Not gonna die!                               
                   (points to his beard)                                
               I shave for no man!                                      


               That's why you want to come with                         
               me! Listen. Dreams make good                             
               stories. But everything important                        
               happens while we're awake. Because                       
               that's when we make things happen.                       

     He claps Paul on the arm and heads back to his men...              

                         DUNCAN (CONT'D)                                
               I hope the girl part's true!                             

     Paul stays behind, lost in his thoughts, out of arguments.         

     There's only one person left to ask.                               

22   EXT. CALADAN'S CLIFFTOPS - DUCAL CEMETERY - DAY              22    

     An ancient graveyard overlooking the sea.                          

     DUKE LETO is carefully wiping stray dirt from a gravestone,        
     on which is carved a bas-relief of a man fighting a giant          

     He sees PAUL walking to join him. Pleased at the sight of his      

               I miss him.                                              

     A last look at the grandfather's gravestone.                       
                   Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                 12.

                    LETO (CONT'D)                                 
          That damned bull.                                       

Leto looks around him. The serenity of the Atreides cemetery.     

                    LETO (CONT'D)                                 
          I wish we could bring them all with                     

The centuries old tombstones.                                     

          You don't think we'll ever come                         

          I think Arrakis is far away.                            

It takes all Paul's courage to pronounce the next lines.          

          Father, I'm here to ask you to join                     
          Duncan Idaho's scout mission on                         
          Arrakis. I'd be an asset to him.                        

          Out of the question. You'll travel                      
          to Arrakis in a few weeks, like the                     
          rest of us.                                             

Leto looks at his son directly in the eyes.                       

                    LETO (CONT'D)                                 
          You know why.                                           
              (the obvious)                                       
          You're the future of House                              
          Atreides, Paul.                                         

Paul sighs. He has heard that before.                             

                    LETO (CONT'D)                                 
          I understand your impatience. When                      
          we get to Arrakis, I want you to                        
          have a seat on my council. It's                         
          time to teach you how we lead.                          

          Great leaders are raised in the                         
          mud, not around tables.                                 

          Don't throw my words back at me.                        
          You have responsibilities Duncan                        
          Idaho will never have.                                  
                   Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                13.

          Grandfather fought bulls for sport!                    

              (re: the tombstone)                                
          And look where that got him.                           

          What if I'm not?                                       

          Not what?                                              

          The future of House Atreides.                          

Leto takes a deep breath. He needs to change the tone of this    
conversation. He raises his hand, his SIGNET RING glinting.      

          I told my father I didn't want this                    

Paul is surprised by this revelation.                            

                    LETO (CONT'D)                                
          I wanted to be a pilot.                                

          You never told me that.                                

          My father said, A good man doesn't                     
          seek to lead. He's called to it,                       
          and he answers.                                        
          If your answer is no, you'll still                     
          be the only thing I've ever needed                     
          you to be -- my son.                                   

Leto looks into Paul's eyes. Means this from his heart.          

                    LETO (CONT'D)                                
          I found my own way to it. You might                    
          find yours.                                            

Paul absorbs that, moved by his father's honesty.                

                    LETO (CONT'D)                                
              (to the tombstones)                                
          In their memory, give it a try.                        
                          Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)               14.

     Paul's heart is broken, but his father has moved him.              

               I will.                                                  


     Duncan's send-off party is in full roar. Three dozen officers      
     of the Atreides legions are cutting loose, hair tousled and        
     jackets unbuttoned. Drink flows freely. Leto is with them,         
     celebrating with his men. Their leader, but also one of them.      
     Gurney Halleck plays the baliset as two men dance on a table       
     like cossacks.                                                     

               To Duncan's last night on Caladan!                       

     The men CHEER and toast!                                           

                                                       CUT TO:          

     GURNEY HALLECK sits alone on a bench, glowering into his           
     beer, and plunking with one hand on his baliset.                   

     Duncan drops down beside him.                                      

               Gurney Halleck. You look grouchy.                        
               To Arrakis!                                              

     He clunks mugs in a one-sided toast, spilling beer.                

               You think we've won something?                           

               Hey. We did. Our star is rising!                         

               So it is. The other Great Houses                         
               trust and admire us. And the                             
               Emperor is a jealous man. So.                            
               Maybe he's giving Arrakis to us.                         
               Or maybe he's giving us to Arrakis.                      

     Duncan stares at Gurney, disturbed.                                

               Did you tell the Duke?                                   

               He knows. He -- He's right here.                         
                         Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                15.

      Duncan looks up. There stands Leto. The Duke speaks in             
      lowered tones, for their ears alone:                               

                The Emperor is no stranger to                            
                treachery. Nor the Harkonnens. We                        
                have to be ready for anything. But                       
                this is our time. The Atreides                           
                never back down from a challenge.                        
                And when we prevail, it will mean a                      
                better life for the people of                            
                Arrakis. For all of us. Until then--                     
                we keep our spirits up for the men.                      

      Gurney nods reluctantly. Fine. He'll stop grouching. He            
      toasts Leto, who then turns to Duncan.                             

                          LETO (CONT'D)                                  
                Duncan, you're a fine fighting man.                      
                But you look like a barbarian.                           
                    (he grins)                                           
                Tonight, that beard comes off.                           

      Duncan's grin ratchets down a few notches. Oh, shit.               

      Gurney hands the Duke a trimmer. Duncan starts to rise, but        
      Gurney and Lanville have him by the arms. The room erupts in       
      laughter as Leto steps in.                                         

23A   EXT. CALADAN TARMAC - DAWN                                  23A    

      From high above, we look down at the tarmac, as Duncan's men       
      are getting into the STEALTH SHIP.                                 

      We see the unmistakable figure of DUNCAN IDAHO from behind as      
      he strides toward the ship. Then something makes him stop.         

      He turns and looks up, and we see now: he's clean shaven.          

      REVEAL: Paul, looking down at Duncan from a castle window.         

      Duncan holds a hand up in goodbye. And in that moment, both        
      of them want Duncan's words to be true: maybe Paul hasn't          
      seen the future, but only what might be.                           

                                                          CUT TO         

      Duncan's Spacecraft takes off in a brutal swirl of dust,           
      vanishing into Caladan's blue sky. Paul is left behind, sad.       

                                                   FADE TO BLACK.
                            Golden Rev. (06/12/20)               16.

22aaB   INT. PAUL'S BEDROOM - SAME TIME                        22aaB

        Soldiers and servants are helping Paul to move his belongings
        out of his quarters.

22aaA   INT. PAUL'S STUDY- DAY                                 22aaA

        Paul's study has been mostly packed in boxes.

        Paul is reading a book about FREMEN, fascinated. Beside him,
        a FILMBOOK HOLOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTARY shows a distant cloaked
        silhouette walking in the desert, using strange erratic
        patterns. A FREMEN, using the sandwalk. The image is old, of
        bad quality.

                            FILMBOOK (V.O.)
                  The Fremen, the native tribes of
                  Arrakis, use the sandwalk to avoid
                  worm attacks. Sandworms are drawn
                  to rhythmic noises. The sandwalk is
                  designed to emulate the natural
                  sounds of the desert... (etc.)

        Paul tries to mimic the sandwalk.

14      INT. TRAINING ROOM - DAY                                    14

        Paul stands in a fencing practice room, a sword in his hand.
        Dressed for practice, breathing deeply, sweat on his brow. He
        faces a battered old target dummy.

        He lunges in a precision attack, his arm strong and sure.
        Recovers -- and attacks again. Paul feels a presence but
        doesn't turn. Someone else is in the room.

                  Don't stand with your back to the
                  door. How many times do we need to
                  tell you?

                  I could tell it was you by your
                  footsteps, Gurney Halleck.

        Paul turns.

        Gurney stands behind him. His arms are full of swords and
        knives in scabbards.

                            PAUL (CONT'D)
                  Are you the new Weapons Master?
                      Buff Rev. (05/24/20)                 17.

His tone is teasing. Gurney grins. He's the closest thing to
a friend Paul has among his father's retainers. Gurney knows
Paul since he was born and loves him like if he was his own

          With Duncan Idaho gone, I must make
          do as best I may.

He lays the weapons out on a table in matched pairs.

                    GURNEY (CONT'D)
          Choose your blade.

          Not today. Without Duncan, what's
          the point?

Gurney picks up a rapier and without warning, he throws it in
Paul's direction. The blade thunks deep in the wooden table
beside Paul and stands quivering.

                    PAUL (CONT'D)
          That is rude.

Paul drops his practice weapon and grabs the rapier.

Gurney activates his shield. A shimmering force-field appears
around him, then fades into invisibility. Paul follows suit.

                     PAUL (CONT'D)
          Old man.

Gurney lunges forward. Their blades clash.

Paul STRIKES, rapidly -- his blade making splashes of light
in the air where Gurney's shield blocks the blow --

Then he lunges more slowly -- and slips his rapier into
Gurney's shield. Only the slow blade penetrates.

They fence -- a sparkle of energy where their   shields
intersect -- until Paul attempts another slow   attack. Gurney
grabs Paul's blade in his gloved hand, lunges   through Paul's
shield and SLAPS PAUL'S FACE with the flat of   his blade.

Paul jerks back, shocked. Rubbing his cheek. Gurney glowers.

          Never let a man inside your guard!
          Even in sport! Not even me!

          I guess I'm not in the mood today.

Gurney appears to become genuinely angry.

          Mood?! What has mood to do with it?
          You fight when the necessity
          arises, no matter your mood! Now

He attacks fiercely, his sword snaking into Paul's shield.
Paul falls back, hard-pressed. Backed up against the table.

Paul rolls across the table-top and comes up on the far side
with a dagger in his free hand. Two weapons now.

                     GURNEY (CONT'D)
          Come on!

He leaps over the table. His rapier a flickering flame.
Paul's in trouble. He takes a deep breath.

Paul executes a surprising combat move.

He deflects Gurney's blades, gets inside his guard -- and his
blade stops, quivering, an inch from Gurney's throat.

          I have you.

          Aye. But look down, m'lord.

Paul glances down without lowering his sword. Gurney has a
dagger in his left hand, the blade an inch from Paul's groin.

                    GURNEY (CONT'D)
          You'd have joined me in death.

He grins and deactivates his shield, sheathing his blades.
His menacing aspect melting away.

                    GURNEY (CONT'D)
          I see you found the mood.

Paul sighs and puts away his own weapons.

          Will it be that bad?

          Bad is a child's word. You don't
          get it, do you? You don't really
          understand the grave nature of
          what's happening to us.

                          GURNEY (CONT'D)
                For eighty years Arrakis belonged
                to House Harkonnen! Eighty years!
                Owning the spice fields! Can you
                imagine the wealth? Now they are
                losing Arrakis... to us. You need
                to be ready. -- Your eyes. I need
                to see it in your eyes! You never
                met Harkonnens before. I have.
                They're not human. In the slave
                pits of Geidi Prime, Rabban
                Harkonnen himself killed my family
                and he gave me this scar to
                remember him by.

      He fingers the inkvine whip scar along his jawline.

                          GURNEY (CONT'D)
                And I will never forget.

19    SPACE - GIEDI PRIME                                          19

      A charcoal-gray world orbits a cold blue sun.


20A   EXT. CITYSCAPE OF GEIDI PRIME'S CAPITAL                     20A

      A synthetic megalopolis with rivers of plastic. A ship is
      landing inside some artificial mountain.

21A   INT. HARKONNEN PALACE - CORRIDOR - DAY                      21A

      "BEAST" RABBAN HARKONNEN strides down a passageway.

      He is a giant, raised in Harkonnen savagery. For him, cruelty
      is not a choice but the way of the world. The strong survive.

      He passes masked guards. Terrified slaves standing against
      the walls like furniture. These things are ordinary to him.

21B   HARKONNEN BATHS                                             21B

      Rabban strides into the palace's richly tiled bath-house. A
      wide doorway looks into a STEAM ROOM filled with white vapor.

      Outside the steam room stands PITER DE VRIES, a human
      stiletto. He is a MENTAT, his mind trained to superhuman
      acuity -- and dedicated to sadism in all its forms.

      As Rabban walks up, Piter nods at the steam room. In there.

Rabban stops outside the doorway.

          Milord Baron.

                       BARON HARKONNEN (O.S.)

The deep, resonant voice emerges from the steam. The vapor
billows as something moves inside -- and we catch a glimpse
of the steam bath's occupant: the BARON VLADIMIR HARKONNEN.

He is mountainous. Six hundred pounds of soft, naked flesh.
Despite his vast bulk he considers himself beautiful. His
movements are sensual.

          The last of our ships have left
          Arrakis. It's done.

                       BARON HARKONNEN
          Very good.

He waves Rabban away in a billow of steam.

          Uncle. How can we let this happen?

A fresh BLAST OF STEAM boils into the steam bath, drowning
out Rabban's question with a loud HISS. Rabban tries again.

                    RABBAN (CONT'D)
          How can the Emperor give everything
          we've built to that Duke?

          Don't be too sure it's an act of

Rabban looks at Piter as though her were a strange insect. He
replies to the Baron.

          What does he mean?

The Baron's voice issues from the mist:

                    BARON HARKONNEN
          When a gift is not a gift?

The clouds part and we see him: water beading on his smooth,
corpulent face. He speaks slowly.

                        BARON HARKONNEN (CONT'D)
              To break a virtuous man, give him a
              burden too heavy to bear. A lesser
              man would drop it: but a good man
              will carry it `til it crushes him.

5   EXT. SPACE - CALADAN ORBIT                                      5

    A HEIGHLINER maneuvers over CALADAN.

    A minuscule egg-shaped SHUTTLE emerges from the Heighliner
    like a seed and falls toward the planet.


    In a wide room of zen simplicity, Jessica sits in meditation.
    Her posture perfect. Her eyes closed.

    She is emotional. Striving to calm her heart, to slow her

    Jessica finds stillness. Her heartbeat slows. Her breathing
    slows...and stops. For a moment it seems time itself stops,
    with a crackle like ice. As if she has turned to stone.

    THUNDER RUMBLES overhead. Jessica's eyes open.

7   EXT. CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT                                     7

    The SHUTTLE settles on a landing pad on the castle's terrace.

    A gangway lowers from the shuttle outside. Six women in Bene
    Gesserit robes descend the ramp. The REVEREND MOTHER follows,
    her sure strong steps belying her age.

9   INT. PAUL'S BEDROOM - NIGHT                                     9

    Paul lies sleeping. He stirs in his sleep. Eyes darting
    beneath closed lids.


    Shallow focus. In golden light, CHANI gazes into our eyes
    from kissing distance. Her eyes impossibly blue.

                        JESSICA (PRE-LAP)
              Paul. Wake up.
                        Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                 22.


     Jessica stands over Paul in the dark room. The moon through
     the rain-streaked glass paints them in rivulets of light.

     For a moment Jessica looks down at her sleeping son. His
     eyelids flutter in the grip of his dream.

                         JESSICA (CONT'D)

     His eyes open. Half-asleep. Confused.

               Mother. What's wrong?

     She takes a uniform from his closet and lays it on his bed.

               Get dressed and come with me.

     Her voice tight with controlled emotion. She turns and exits.

9A   INT. CASTLE CORRIDOR - NIGHT                                 9A    

     Paul is now pulling on the stiff military dress of Atreides        
     nobility. Black with silver trim, a hint of military style.        
     The green Atreides hawk emblazoned on his jacket.                  

     As he walks down a long corridor, Paul sees two figures            
     waiting for him, silhouetted by the light at the end of this       
     dark tunnel.                                                       

     His mother and a mysterious man with a diamond tattooed on         
     his forehead, DOCTOR WELLINGTON YUEH.                              

               What is this?                                            

     Lady Jessica is trying not to look afraid, but she's failing.      

               The Reverend Mother Gaius Helen                          
               Mohiam is here. She was my teacher                       
               at the Bene Gesserit school. Now                         
               she is Truthsayer to the Emperor                         
               She would like to meet you. She                          
               wants to know about your dreams.                         

               How does she know about my dreams?                       
                   Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                 23.

Jessica smooths Paul's uniform, trying to ignore his               
accusation, but he brushes away her hand.                          

                    PAUL (CONT'D)                                  
          Why is Doctor Yueh here?                                 

          I'll give you a moment.                                  

She steps away a short distance, leaving Paul with Dr. Yueh,       
who offers his longtime patient a warm smile.                      

                    DOCTOR YUEH                                    
          Hello, young master. Your mother                         
          asked me to check your vitals.                           

He takes Paul's pulse. Paul speaks in a whisper so Jessica         
won't hear.                                                        

          What is happening?                                       

Yueh shakes his head. He doesn't know. He whispers, inches         
from Paul's ear, as he continues his examination. His              
technique is Eastern: he touches centers of power on Paul's        
body that some would call chakras, listening meditatively.         

                    DOCTOR YUEH                                    
          I am only a doctor of the Suk                            
          School. But I know a little of the                       
          Bene Gesserit. They say they exist                       
          to serve -- but, meaning no                              
          disrespect to your lady mother --                        
          they also serve their own designs.                       

          What are you saying?                                     

                    DOCTOR YUEH                                    
          Go carefully.                                            
              (more loudly)                                        
          His heart is strong as ever, my                          

Jessica arrives at their side, nodding her appreciation.    She    
makes elegant SIGN LANGUAGE MOVEMENTS with her left hand           
(subtitled): "Tell no one of this."                                

Yueh gives a slight bow and retreats down the corridor. Paul       
looks after him in confusion. Jessica reaches out to touch         
him one last time.                                                 
                         Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)              24.

               Paul, please.                                          
                   (then, intensely)                                  
               Remember your training.                                

     With that, she OPENS the door to:                                

10   INT. LIBRARY - NIGHT                                       10

     Jessica leads Paul into the library -- wooden shelves heavy
     with ancient books. Suspensor lights hover in the gloom.

     Paul is mystified about the purpose of this midnight

     He finds the REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM, waiting for them. She
     sits in a heavy wooden chair, her aged face ghostly against
     her black cloak. Her eyes glitter as she studies him.

     Jessica curtsies to the old woman. Paul is astonished by this
     meekness in his mother. He studies the Reverend Mother.

     She takes the measure of him in turn. His stance. His stare.

                         REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM
               Defiance in the eyes. Like his
                   (to Jessica)
               Leave us.

     Jessica turns to go, reluctantly. She pauses by Paul.

               You must do everything the Reverend
               Mother tells you.

     She hurries out. Paul glares at the Reverend Mother.

               You dismiss my mother in her own

                            REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM
               COME HERE.

     The command cracks like a whip, her voice suddenly more than
     human. Compelling obedience irresistibly. This is THE VOICE.
     Paul crosses the room to her, helpless to resist. Shaken.

                            REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (CONT'D)
                    Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)               25.

Paul fights to remain on his feet -- but he cannot resist the
command. He goes to his knees before the old woman.

          How dare you use the Voice on me?                      

She lifts a green metal cube, six inches tall, from the folds
of her robes. Sets it on the arm of her chair. One side opens
into a black interior which no light can illuminate.

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM
          Put your right hand in the box.

She speaks in an ordinary voice now. Paul doesn't comply.

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (CONT'D)
          Your mother bade you obey me.

The invocation of his mother moves him. Reluctantly Paul puts
his hand in the box.

The old woman leans forward, placing her hand beside Paul's
neck. A glint of metal. He starts to turn his head --

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (CONT'D)

He freezes. Breathing hard. We see a long gleaming NEEDLE,
rock-steady in the old woman's hand. Almost touching him.

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (CONT'D)
          I hold at your neck the gom jabbar.
          A poison needle. Instant death.
          This test is simple. Remove your
          hand from the box, and you die.

          What's in the box?

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM

Paul stares at her incredulously. This is madness.

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (CONT'D)
          No need to call the guards. Your
          mother stands outside that door.


Jessica stands with her back to the door like a sentry.

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (V.O.)
          No one will get past her.

Jessica's face is taut with terror. Her son's life hangs in
the balance. She begins to whisper the Litany against Fear:

          I must not fear. Fear is the mind-
          killer. Fear is the little death
          that brings obliteration.


Paul stares at the Reverend Mother apprehensively. And
suddenly he feels it: a tingling sensation in his fingers
that makes his breath catch. He hisses in pain.

          Why are you doing this?

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM
          An animal caught in a trap will
          gnaw off its own leg to escape.
          What will you do?


Jessica's voice shakes as she whispers the Litany.

          I will face my fear. I will permit
          it to pass over me and through me.


Sweat beads on Paul's forehead as the pain grows into agony.
He moans through clenched teeth. His left hand balled into a
white-knuckled fist, his arm trembling. Pain!


Jessica closes her eyes.

                    JESSICA (CONT'D)
          And when it has gone past I will
          turn the inner eye to see its path.


Paul trembles. The gom jabbar glints against his neck. The
Reverend Mother's eyes burn into him. He is panting.

INSERT: Paul's hand inside the box. Like a hand in a bonfire.
The skin blackening. Splitting.

Paul CRIES OUT involuntarily. The Reverend Mother hisses:

                     REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM


Jessica's voice rises --

          Where the fear has gone there will
          be nothing!


Paul shudders in excruciating pain. Locking eyes with the old
Reverend Mother. At the very edge of his endurance.

INSERT: Paul's hand. Crisp flesh falling from charred bones.

Paul shuts his eyes. His mouth opens in a silent scream.

                     REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM

The pain cuts off at once. Paul's eyes snap open with a gasp.


Jessica opens her eyes.

          Only I will remain.


The Reverend Mother stares at Paul as he gasps in relief:
sweaty, breathing hard.

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM
          No woman-child ever withstood so
          much. I must've wanted you to fail.
                      Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)             28.

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (CONT'D)
          Take your hand from the box, boy,
          and look at it.

Reluctantly Paul complies -- sure he will see a ruined stump.
But his hand is unmarked. He wiggles his fingers, amazed.

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (CONT'D)
          Pain by nerve induction.

He stares at her, his curiosity overriding his anger. The
Reverend Mother smiles, concealing the box in her robes.

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (CONT'D)
          Like sifting sand through a screen.
          We sift people. If you were unable
          to control your impulses, like an
          animal -- we could not let you
          live. You inherit too much power.

          Because I'm a Duke's son?

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM
          Because you are Jessica's son.
          You have more than one birthright,
          boy. You've proven you can rule
          yourself. Now you must learn to
          rule others. It's something none of
          your ancestors learned.

          My father rules an entire planet.

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM
          He's losing it.

          He's getting a richer planet!

                       REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM                    
          We'll see.                                             

Paul stares at her, disconcerted. What does she mean?


Jessica stands rigid, serene. Waiting.

                       REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (O.S.) (CONT'D)

Jessica goes in, fear on her face. At the sight of Paul, her
face floods with relief.
                        Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                29.

                         REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (CONT'D)
               Your mother was tested thus, when
               she was your age.

     Paul feels his mother's presence behind him.

                         REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM     (CONT'D)
               Tell me about these dreams.

     Paul hesitates. This old woman knows all his secrets.

               I had one tonight.

                         REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM
               What did you see?

     INSERT: The luminous face of the girl from his dreams.

               A girl. On Arrakis.

                         REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM
               Have you dreamt of her before?

               Many times.

                         REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM
               Do you dream things that happen
               just as you dreamed them?

               Not exactly.                                             

     The Reverend Mother stands, looks up at Paul with glinting

                         REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM
               Goodbye, young human. I hope you

     She leaves, followed by Jessica. We stay with Paul.


     Jessica walks Reverend Mother back to her ship in the fog.         
     Her fear and relief have given way to cold anger.                  

               Was this necessary?                                      
                   Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)              30.

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM                       
          You chose to train him in the Way,                     
          in defiance of our rule. He wields                     
          our power: he had to be tested.                        
          So much potential, wasted in a                         
          male. You were told to bear only                       
          daughters! But you in your pride                       
          thought you could bring forth the                      
          Kwisatz Haderach.                                      

              (with a touch of fire)                             
          Was I wrong?                                           

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM                       
              (with matching heat)                               
          You're lucky he didn't die in that                     
              (more quietly)                                     
          If he is the One, he has a long way                    
          to go. His Sight is barely                             
          awakened. And now he goes into the                     
          fire. But our plans are measured in                    
          centuries: we have other prospects,                    
          if he fails his promise.                               

Her words drain the defiance from Jessica's eyes.                

          Do you see so little hope?                             

Mohiam also softens: a hint of compassion in her stony face.     

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM                       
          On Arrakis, we have done all we can                    
          for you. A path has been laid.                         
          Let's hope he doesn't squander it.                     


Jessica stands in the fog in her hooded cloak, watching the
shuttle lift off. Drops sheet off the ovoid spacecraft and
dance in the floodlights. The ship rises into the clouds.

Jessica turns to walk back inside -- and finds Paul standing
behind her, a ghost in the fog. Staring at her. They face
each other uncertainly, ten feet of empty space between them.

Jessica throws back her hood.

          Paul. I'm so sorry.                                    
                   Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                 31.

          I could have died.                                      

          I know. It's a terrible ordeal.                         
          But there are reasons...                                

          What does it mean? That I could be                      
          the One?                                                

She stares at him. Caught off-guard.                              

          You heard.                                              

She swallows hard and chooses truth.                              

                    JESSICA (CONT'D)                              
          The Bene Gesserit serve as powerful                     
          partners to the Great Houses, but                       
          there's more to it.                                     

          You steer the politics of the                           
          Imperium from the shadows. I know.                      

She blinks at that. He sees so much! But she presses on:          

          You don't know everything. For                          
          thousands of years, we've been                          
          carefully crossing bloodlines to                        
          bring forth...                                          

              (in disbelief)                                      
          ...the One?                                             

          A mind powerful enough to bridge                        
          space and time. Past and future...                      
          who can help lead us into a better                      
          future. We think he's very close                        
          now. Some believe he's here.                            

Paul is stunned. He looks around, seeing every part of his        
life in a new, bewildering light. His mother suddenly a           
strange, alien presence.                                          
                              Buff Rev. (05/24/20)                 32.

                 All part of a plan.
                     (long beat)
                 Do you... love my father?


       He hesitates to ask the next question, looking very young.
       Jessica's face crumples.

                             JESSICA (CONT'D)
                 Oh, Paul.

       She strides across the space between them and throws her arms
       around him. They cling to each other in the downpour. On
       Paul. On Jessica.

11A    EXT. CALADAN CASTLE - MORNING                               11A

       The Caladan Castle above the ocean in the morning light.

       The flag of the ATREIDES family in the wind is being removed.

22aA   INT. GREAT HALL - DAY                                      22aA

       Servants lower a mounted bull's head into a case. Leto and
       Jessica look on. Around them, the castle stands cavernous and

       Paul close behind, observes his mother.

       Servants come to say goodbye, weeping and embracing them. The
       Atreides are beloved: their household is a family. Jessica
       tears up. Leto comforts her.

       Paul joins them.

       The bull head's case is being closed.

22A    EXT. CALADAN'S SHORE - SUNSET                               22A

       Paul stands on a windy beach. Huge waves crashing on the
       shore. He looks up:

       A huge cargo ship takes off: the Atreides fleet taking leave
       of its homeworld. Wind plucks at Paul's clothing as another
       ship rises off the ground.

       Paul takes a knee to curl his fingers into the water.

     He looks out across the sea at the sun sinking below the
     horizon. His last sunset in the land of his birth.

                                                 MATCH CUT TO:

24   EXT. ARRAKIS - DEEP DESERT - DAWN                            24


     A bright star crosses the sky: a distant spacecraft.

     A MAN crosses the dune sea -- walking strangely, in broken,
     erratic strides. He wears a close-fitting STILLSUIT to
     protect him from this lethal landscape.

     He is walking toward a massive rock formation that looks like
     the back of some gigantic elephant.

     In the rock's shadows, THREE SILHOUETTES are waiting for him:
     FREMEN in stillsuits.

     The man throws off the mask of his stillsuit, revealing a
     fierce dark beard. This is STILGAR, 45, master of the desert
     and a leader among the Fremen.

     High above, he sees the Guild Heighliner in orbit -- pale in
     the dark blue sky, like another moon. As he watches, the
     ships of the Atreides fleet begin to emerge.

               So. He has come.

25   EXT. ARRAKEEN LANDING - DAY                                  25

     A sprawling spaceport: miles of concrete landing pads and
     cavernous hangars. There are spaceships large and small, and
     ORNITHOPTERS: aircraft that beat their wings like insects.

     The Atreides flagship touches down. The largest ship in view.

     On the perimeter of the field, Arrakeen natives have turned
     out to watch the Atreides arrive: thousands of people outside
     the barricades, huddling in the shade of the fences.

26   INT. ATREIDES FLAGSHIP - BOARDING RAMP                       26

     Flanked by bodyguards in combat armor, Leto, Jessica, Paul,
     and Gurney stand in darkness in the ship's landing bay.
     Waiting for the gangway to open. An ATREIDES OFFICER,
     LANVILLE, gives an order to the guards.


     The guards activate their individual shields.

     In the shadows, Jessica reaches for Leto's hand. He squeezes
     her hand in his. Gives her a little smile.

     A seam of light opens. The gangway lowering to the tarmac.

     They squint in the sunlight. Gasp at the blast-furnace air.
     Heat ripples off the pavement. Dust eddies around their feet.

               "My lungs taste the air of Time,
               Blown past falling sand..."

     Paul stares into the blazing day. A new world before him.

     An ATREIDES BAGPIPE PLAYER exits the ship, under the sun
     blaze, playing a brief tune, like some call. He stops.

27   EXT. LANDING FIELD                                           27

     Dozen of other bagpipes can be heard in the distance,
     answering to the lonely player. Nearby, the Atreides legions
     are marching out of troop carriers and forming up. An
     impressive force in combat gear: light armor, helmets, swords
     and daggers.

     Engulfed by dust, a familiar silhouette welcomes them, Thufir
     Hawat. He smiles as Paul steps forward to clasp his forearms

               Thufir Hawat.

               Young master! How does it feel to
               walk on another world?

               I'm excited to say the least!

     Hawat hugs Paul. Bows to Jessica. Clasps forearms with Leto.

               How are you, old friend?

               My Lord, my advance team has
               secured the city. We're still
               smoothing out a few rough spots.

      Across the wide tarmac rippling with heat, the CROWD stands
      watching, in hooded cloaks and dusty masks of a dozen
      designs. Alien and strange. Worlds away from the elegant
      Atreides in their pristine uniforms.

28    ORNITHOPTER PAD                                              28

      Hawat leads Paul and Jessica toward Duke Leto's personal
      ornithopter: a craft both luxurious and powerful.

      As Paul and Jessica step out of the shadow of the flagship, a
      CHEER goes up from the throng outside the fences.

                Don't be fooled by the welcome.
                They follow their old masters'
                rules. Mandatory attendance.
                That's Harkonnen love out there.

      Some of the crowed point at Jessica and Paul -- shouting with
      religious fervor. Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib! Paul frowns.


      Leto and Gurney head toward the ATREIDES TROOPS, aligned
      under the shadow of huge war frigates.

      The Arrakeen crowd watches as one occupying army is exchanged
      for another.

      Leto walks past the Atreides soldiers, reviewing the ranks:
      they stand ramrod-straight in the punishing heat. Their eyes
      following Leto with total devotion.

      Leto and Gurney greet the division commander, clasping arms
      and smiling like brothers. Leto turns to look over the men.
      An expectant hush hangs in the air. Gurney's voice rings out:


      The troops respond with an exuberant cry, raising their fists
      to the sky. Their massed voices echo from the distant cliffs.

      Powerful horns resonate from the top of the frigates,
      mistreating everybody's ear-drums.

      Here is a mighty military machine. A new power on Arrakis.
                        Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)              36.

29   INT. ORNITHOPTER - CONTINUOUS                             29

     Hawat takes a seat beside the PILOT. Paul and Jessica sit in
     back. As the engines spin up, Paul stares out at the crowd.

               They were pointing at us. What are                     
               they shouting?                                         

               Lisan al-Gaib. Voice from the Outer                    
               World. It's their name for messiah.                    

     She speaks quietly, for Paul's ears alone.                       

                         JESSICA (CONT'D)                             
               It means the Bene Gesserit have                        
               been at work here.                                     

               Planting superstitions.                                

               Preparing the way.                                     
               These people have been waiting for                     
               centuries for the Lisan al-Gaib.                       
               They look at you and see the signs.                    

     Paul looks away from his mother.                                 

               They see what they've been told to                     

     But Jessica just looks at her boy with quiet pride, her faith    
     in him unshaken.                                                 

     Interrupting this moment, Hawat looks back over his shoulder
     as the ornithopter's motors power up.

               Let's get you out of the sun.
               The heat can kill in this place.

30   INT./EXT. ORNITHOPTER (IN FLIGHT)                         30

     The ornithopter lifts off, beating its powerful wings as it
     rises away from the spaceport. A squadron of ornithopter
     gunships lifts off with them and flies escort.

     As they rise, we see the vastness of the desert around them.
                        Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)              37.

     As a wider vista opens up, they see a giant rocky rampart in
     the distance.

     Paul marvels at the sight. Turns to stare at a new wonder:

     ARRAKEEN: a low, sprawling metropolis of sloping concrete,
     with occasional spires of carved stone. A city that bows to
     the force of the desert by echoing its shapes.

     Hawat's ornithopter and its escorts converge on the
     Residency, a brutalist palace of sloping concrete planes in
     the center of the city. Twenty DATE PALM TREES stand in the

33   INT. RESIDENCY - GREAT HALL - DAY                            33

     Cyclopean in scale, built to last ten thousand years.

     Thufir Hawat, Paul and Jessica walk in with guards.

38   EXT. RESIDENCY BALCONY - DAY                                 38

     A lofty balcony overlooking Arrakeen. Leto and Gurney look
     out through high-tech binoculars. Heat ripples off the

     Leto scans the city: austere lines, deadly heat waves, dusty
     land and dusty sky melted together. The Duke notes the
     unexpected SILENCE of this metropolis, almost admires it.

               It's so quiet.                                           

               That's what worries me too.                              

     The men lower their binoculars to look at each other with
     shared concern.

               Our two most vulnerable points are
               the spaceport and the refinery. I
               want you guarding them around the
               clock. If we can't harvest spice
               and ship it off-world, we're dead

     Officer Lanville moves forward from a small group of nervous
                          Buff Rev. (05/24/20)                38.

               My Lord, the sun is too high now.
               We have to seal the doors.

     Leto grins and sighs.

               What do they say about this hell
               hole again?

               "To shower, you scrub your ass with
               sand," my Lord. That's what they

               That's what they say.

35   INT. RESIDENCY - PAUL'S NEW ROOM - DAY                    35

     Paul stands in a beautifully designed room. The bed has a
     carved headboard: an Asian-styled relief of fish in swirling
     waters. A shaft of sunlight fills the room with gold. Paul
     gazes out the window at the alien skyline of Arrakeen. Spice
     particles dance in the wind.

34   INT. NORTH WING - CORRIDOR                                34

     Paul walks down a corridor decorated with a long FRESCO of a
     SANDWORM among rolling dunes. He looks at it in amazement.

37   INT. DINING HALL - DAY                                    37

     A formal dining room with a table long enough to seat thirty.
     The mounted BULL'S HEAD lies face-up on the table. A guard
     stand by the door.

     Eight Arrakeen women in servant dresses stand in a row. Hawat
     leads Jessica in and gestures at the women.

               Candidates for housekeeper, my

     He bows and leaves her. Jessica walks up to the women. They
     drop to their knees and prostrate themselves, startling her.

               Oh. Is this Arrakeen custom?

One woman looks up: a weathered old woman of unknowable age,
with wise eyes and a blunt demeanor. Her lean body corded
with muscle. She is the SHADOUT MAPES.

                    SHADOUT MAPES
          My Lady, the Harkonnens demanded

          Please rise.

The women comply. Jessica walks down the row, studying each
in turn. When she gets to the Shadout Mapes she lingers.
Observing her with hyper-awareness. Her eyes. Lips. Hands.

                    JESSICA (CONT'D)
          What is your name?

                    SHADOUT MAPES
          The Shadout Mapes, my Lady.

Jessica doesn't take her eyes off Mapes.

          The rest of you may go.

The other women file out, leaving Jessica and Mapes alone.
There's a tension between the two of them, like gunfighters.

Shadout. That's an old          She Fremin. (Phonetic: she
Chakobsa word. Well-dipper.     FRE-min)
   (in chakobsa, subtitled)
You're Fremen.

                    SHADOUT MAPES
          You know the ancient tongues.

Jessica registers that. The Missionaria Protectiva at work.
Still she watches Mapes warily, as if she were a wild animal.

          I know many things. I know you have
          a weapon concealed in your bodice.

Mapes trembles in superstitious dread, lowering her eyes.

                    SHADOUT MAPES
          I meant no offense, my Lady!

The guard promptly reacts. Jessica stops him with a discreet
hand signal from Atreides Battle Language.

              (hand signal, subtitled)
          Not now.

Jessica speaks sternly, her body preparing for action:

                    JESSICA (CONT'D)
          If you mean to harm me, I warn you:
          whatever you're hiding won't be

The Shadout Mapes's eyes rise to meet Jessica's, awed.

                    SHADOUT MAPES
          The weapon is meant as a gift,
          if you are truly the One.

Slowly she reaches into her dress. Pulls out a knife and
draws it from its sheath -- revealing a milk-white blade,
slightly translucent. Wickedly sharp. It's beautiful.

                    SHADOUT MAPES (CONT'D)
          Do you know this?

Jessica gazes at it in wonder. This is a mythical object.

          It's a crysknife.

                    SHADOUT MAPES
          Do you know its meaning?

Jessica feels her way forward carefully, sensing the
significance of the moment.

              (hand signal to the
               guards, subtitled)
          Be ready for violence.

The guard is on edge, ready to draw his sword.

                    JESSICA (CONT'D)
          It's a maker of...

Mapes WAILS in ecstasy. Jessica trails off, startled.

                    SHADOUT MAPES
          A Maker of the Deep Desert!
          Sayyadina! When one has lived with
          prophecy for so long, the moment of
          revelation is a shock. Sayyadina.
          Lisan al-Gaib. The Mother and the

      She sheaths the knife and presses it into Jessica's hands.

                          SHADOUT MAPES (CONT'D)
                It is yours. Tooth of Shai-hulud.

      Jessica is troubled by Mapes' fervor.


      Paul walks in the courtyard. Two rows of tall palm trees
      stand under the brutal sun. Paul touches one of the tree,
      looking at its fronds moving slowly in the wind. Paul notices
      few people press against the fence, gazing at the trees,
      praying. Some shout at him: Lisan Al Gaib! Lead us to
      paradise! Paul hears them and becomes uncomfortable.

                          RESIDENCY GARDENER (O.C.)
                You shouldn't be outside at this
                hour of the day.

      An old GARDENER wearing sun protective clothes and a wide
      hat, is taking care of one of the tree.

                What about them?

                          RESIDENCY GARDENER
                Pilgrims. They don't care about
                heat strokes.

                I didn't know date palms could be
                found here.

                          RESIDENCY GARDENER
                These aren't indigenous. Imported a
                long time ago. They can't survive
                without me! Each one of these
                drinks every day the equivalent of
                five men. Twenty palm trees. A
                hundred lives.

                Should we remove them?

      The gardener touches one of the tree with affection, smiling.

                          RESIDENCY GARDENER
                No! These are sacred. Old dream.
                          Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                 42.

38aA   INT. LETO'S OFFICE - DAY                                   38aA

       A large office and receiving room for the use of the governor
       of Arrakis. Leto stands in front of the wide worktable,
       flanked by Gurney and Hawat. A few technicians of Hawat's
       team stand by.

       They're all looking at an ornate CHEST sitting on the table.
       The chest had been sealed closed. An envelope hanging from
       the latch reads LETO. Leto steps forward and opens the chest.

       It's full of severed human fingers.

       For a moment Leto stands staring, tendons taught in his neck.
       Then he steps back. Tears the envelope from the chest, opens
       it and reads the note within.

                 My dear cousin Leto. Welcome to
                 Arrakis. There's a lot to learn.
                 I thought I'd give you a few
                 pointers. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen.

       Gurney examines one of the fingers: an index finger, its
       fingertip stained orange.

                 Spice workers.

42AC   EXT. GEIDI PRIME - ESTABLISHING                            42AC    

       Harkonnen Military Fleet is on stand by above Geidi Prime.         

       The dark ovoid Bene Gesserit ship flies through it.                

42AD   INT. HARKONNEN THRONE ROOM - NIGHT                         42AD    

       A BLACK RUBBER HUMAN SPIDER is eating flesh on the floor.          

                           REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (O.C.)                  
                 The thing must go.                                       

                           PITER (O.C.)                                   
                 You can speak without fear. Our pet                      
                 doesn't understand your language.                        

                           REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (O.C.)                  
                     (using the Voice)                                    
                 GET OUT.                                                 

       The Rubber Human Spider leaves the room like a zombie.             
                   Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)              43.

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM.                      
          It understands.                                        

The Reverend Mother Mohiam stands like a column of obsidian      
in the Baron Harkonnen's throne room.                            

The Baron sits with Piter. The Baron seems gracious. Piter,      
on the other hand, is tense.                                     

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM                       
          Activate the cone of silence.                          

The Baron waves at Piter. An electronic curtain surrounds the    

                    BARON HARKONNEN                              
          What is the Emperor's message?                         

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM                       
          He will strengthen your hand.                          

The Baron can barely hide his excitement.                        

                    BARON HARKONNEN                              
          With his Sardaukar army.                               

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM                       
          It must never be known. As far as                      
          the Great Houses are concerned --                      
          what you do, you do alone.                             

The Reverend's tone shifts subtly: she is playing her own        
hand now.                                                        

                    REVEREND MOTHER MOHIAM (CONT'D)              
          Duke Leto Atreides means nothing to                    
          our Order, but his wife is under                       
          our protection, and by extension,                      
          her son. You may not harm them.                        
          Allow them the dignity of exile.                       

Piter is about to protest, but the Baron extends his arms        
widely in acceptance, rudely obscuring his Mentat.               

                    BARON HARKONNEN                              
          House Harkonnen would never dream                      
          of violating the sanctity of your                      
          Order. You have my word. We will                       
          not harm them.                                         

She studies him. He's suddenly become a closed book.             
Dangerous, but this is necessary. She nods to him and takes      
her leave.                                                       
                            Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)               44.

       The moment the door shuts behind her, Piter turns to the           
       Baron. Frustrated.                                                 

                 If the Duke's son lives --                               

                           BARON HARKONNEN                                
                 No Atreides will live.                                   

                 My lord, you gave your word to the                       
                 Witch. And she sees too much.                            

                           BARON HARKONNEN                                
                 I said I would not harm them. So I                       
                 shall not. But Arrakis is Arrakis.                       
                 The desert takes the weak.                               

       And now the Baron begins to RISE INTO THE AIR, his hands out       
       to the side, palms forward, like some horrible mockery of          

                           BARON HARKONNEN (CONT'D)                       
                 My desert. My Arrakis. My Dune.                          

47BB   EXT. ARRAKEEN - NIGHT                                      47BB    

       Moons over Arrakeen.                                               

47B    PAUL'S DREAM: EXT. ARRAKIS DESERT - DAY                     47B

       Paul follows Chani in a narrow passage between huge rocks.

       Chani shows him a little nest of desert mice. They are close
       to each other. First intimate moment.

47BA   INT. RESIDENCY, PAUL'S BEDROOM - NIGHT                     47BA

       Paul is dreaming.

47C    PAUL'S DREAM: INT. ARRAKIS, DARK ROOM                       47C    

       A little plate with some spice powder on it.                       

                           GURNEY (O.S.)                                  
                 They say: everybody here is                              
                 addicted to it.                                          

       An index comes into frame and grabs some grain with its tip.       
                          Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                45.

                           GURNEY (O.S.) (CONT'D)                         
                 They say: it's everywhere. In the                        
                 food. In the air.                                        

       A man in shadow takes some   spice powder with his index, and      
       brings it to his mouth. We   finally see Gurney's face. He is      
       wearing Fremen clothes and   is very dirty, with long grey         
       hair. He smokes SPICE with   a strange narghile.                   

                           GURNEY (CONT'D)                                
                 I say it's good for the spirit.                          

       He has blue Fremen eyes.                                           

42BB   OMITTED                                                   42BB

42BC   OMITTED                                                   42BC

42B    OMITTED                                                    42B

44     INT. ARRAKEEN RESIDENCY - WAR ROOM - MORNING                 44

       We follow Paul into a conference room dominated by a long
       table, where Leto's staff officers sit -- including Hawat,
       Lanville, and Gurney Halleck. Gurney grins as Paul enters.

                 Paul Atreides! Late to his first
                 strategy meeting! Sorry to drag you
                 out of bed.

       Chuckles and applause around the table. These officers love
       Paul as they love his father. Gurney pats his shoulder.

                     (in Gurney's ear)
                 Thanks for the humiliation old man.

       Paul takes a seat beside his father's.

       Leto enters, the burden of leadership lying on his shoulders
       like a visible weight. He nods to his staff officers, meeting
       their eyes in turn. Sits at the head of the table.

                 Let's get started. Thufir.
                          Buff Rev. (05/24/20)                46.

               I secured a copy of the Harkonnens'
               account books.

     That gets a reaction. A triumph of spycraft.

                         HAWAT (CONT'D)
               The Harkonnens took ten billion
               Solaris out of here every year.

     The number hits the room like a bomb. A muted gasp of shock
     and awe. The officers sit up straighter in their chairs.

     In Leto's eyes there is a sudden flare of hope.

               "For they shall suck of the
               abundance of the seas and the
               treasure hid in the sand."

     Paul studies the officers' faces acutely. Reading the room.

               We won't see profits like that for
               a while. Not with the equipment
               they left us.

               How bad is it?

45   EXT. ARRAKEEN LANDING - TARMAC - DAY                      45

     Hawat leads Leto, Paul, Gurney, and the other staff officers
     up to a SPICE FREIGHTER in a secured hangar.

     The ship's cavernous cargo hold yawns open.

               These are spice silos. We must
               fill every crate.

               All of them?

               Every twenty-five standard days.

     A small stack of spice containers sits at the far end of the
     cargo hold, under armed guard.

                         HAWAT (CONT'D)
               Harkonnen sabotage slows us down.

          How can this stand? Isn't there a
          Judge of the Change to oversee the

          Who did the Emperor appoint?

          Dr. Liet Kynes. Imperial Ecologist.
          Been here twenty years. Eccentric,
          from what I'm told.

          I want to see the harvesting fields
          for myself.

          I wouldn't recommend that my Lord.

          Have The Judge of the Change
          accompany us. We will make our case
          and at the same time have some
          Imperial protection.

          A hostage. I love it.

The THUMPING OF ORNITHOPTER WINGS turns their heads. A wing
of THREE ORNITHOPTERS swoops toward them at speed.

Gurney looks tensely at Hawat. Hawat touches his transceiver.

          He's here, my Lord!

The lead ornithopter comes in fast and low. Flares its wings
dramatically and touches down lightly in a combat landing.
Hawat's security personnel rush to check the aircraft.

The pilot's door opens and Duncan Idaho climbs out. He is
transformed: scruffy, stubbled and sun-blasted. He wears a
Fremen stillsuit and robes. He wears a long sword like a
knight, with a two-handed cruciform hilt.

Three FREMEN disembark from his ornithopter.

Members of Hawat's security force approach. The Fremen watch
them warily. Idaho reassures them in their own language:

                  IDAHO                  (CHAKOBSA TRANSLATION)
        (in Chakobsa)                Jila hiyak sa fadla.
     Go with them in peace.          (PHONETIC: JI-la hi-yak sa

     He greets Hawat's men as they arrive with casual authority:

                         IDAHO (CONT'D)
               Treat them well. These are friends.

     The Fremen allow Hawat's security team to lead them aside.

     The other two ornithopters land behind Idaho; squads of
     Fremen get out and fan out watchfully across the tarmac. They
     are lean desert warriors, male and female, proud and silent.

     Idaho walks toward Paul and the others with the smile of a
     conquering hero. Paul runs to meet him: they hug.


               I swear you're taller.

               Well, you smell much worse.

     Gurney and Duncan clasp arms.

               I have so much to tell you.

     Leto looks at the Fremen standing on the landing field behind
     Idaho and a spark of hope kindles in his eyes.

46   INT. RESIDENCY - LETO'S OFFICE - DAY                         46

     Duke Leto and his lieutenants gather around the table to hear
     Idaho's tale. The atmosphere is informal: Leto sits, but
     others stand or lean on crates. They talk rapidly, excited:

               For four weeks I lived with the
               Fremen, in a community called a
               sietch. Hidden in the desert.
               Stilgar, the leader of that sietch,
               has come with me to meet you, Sire.

               This sietch. How was it hidden?

          Underground. Arrakis is full of

          How big was the place?

          I'd say ten thousand people.

A murmur of astonishment around the table. Duncan grins.

                    IDAHO (CONT'D)
          And there are hundreds of sietches.

          Millions of Fremen.
              (to Hawat)
          You were right.

Hawat smiles proudly.

          The Harkonnen estimate was fifty
          thousand on the whole planet!

          The Fremen watched me search for
          them for days. I never saw them.
          Finally they sent a warrior out to
          kill me. I'll tell you, I've never
          been so close to dying. There are
          no finer fighters in the Imperium.
          They fight like demons.

Leto's face is flush with excitement.

          Well done.

          Thank you, milord.

                       SPECIALIST (O.S.)

One of Hawat's SPECIALISTS brings in the Fremen leader:
Stilgar, the man we saw in the desert before. He is proud and
stern-faced. In his hands he holds a sheathed CRYSKNIFE.

                    SPECIALIST (CONT'D)
          He has a knife he won't surrender,
          Sire. He won't let us inspect it.

Idaho leans close to Leto and whispers urgently:

          A crysknife. Sacred to his people.

          Let him pass!

Stilgar enters. He is followed by two Fremen warriors: a man
and a woman. Both lean, dark, and poised as dancers.

Paul is fascinated: here is a Fremen leader, a warrior.
Stilgar's eyes touch on Paul as well: son of the Bene
Gesserit, who some call the Lisan al-Gaib.

                    LETO (CONT'D)
          Stilgar. Welcome. I respect the
          personal dignity of any man who
          respects mine.

Stilgar bends over and spits on the table. A gasp of outrage.
Gurney leaps up snarling, a hand on his sword.

              (to Stilgar, cordially)
          Thank you, Stilgar, for the gift of
          your body's moisture. We accept it
          in the spirit in which it is given.

And he spits on the table in his own turn. Duke Leto looks at
Stilgar and Duncan, and spits on the table with a wry look.


The Atreides officers chuckle -- but not Stilgar.

                    LETO (CONT'D)
          I'm glad you've come. I think your
          people and mine have much to offer
          one another.

Stilgar looks back at him without warmth.

          You are Outworlders, come for the
          spice. You take it, giving nothing
          in return.

Paul stares at Stilgar, moved by his words.

          It's true.

Gurney bristles at Stilgar's arrogant air.

          I know you've suffered under the
          Harkonnens. Name what you want.
          If it is in my power to grant, I
          will give it and ask for nothing.

Stilgar considers this gravely.

          I ask this: Do not seek our
          sietches or trespass in our lands.
          The desert was ours long before you
          came. Come and dig your spice. But
          when you have it, go back to this
          side of the Shield Wall. Leave the
          desert to the Fremen.

          You will address the Duke as "Sire"
          or "My Lord..."

              (to Stilgar)
          The Emperor has given me Arrakis as
          my fief, to rule and protect.
          I cannot promise not to travel in
          the desert, if duty compels me: but
          your sietches will be yours forever
          -- and you will never be hunted
          while I govern here.

Stilgar weighs these words and finds them worthy. He nods.

          That is honorable.

Stilgar bows his head solemnly.

                    STILGAR (CONT'D)
          That is all I have to say to you.

          Won't you stay? We would honor you.

Stilgar's eyes find Paul. He gives a minimal nod of respect.

                 STILGAR                 (CHAKOBSA TRANSLATION)
     Honor requires that I be        Heshiigiishii. (PHONETIC: he-
     elsewhere.                      shii-GII-shii)
        (in Chakobsa, subtitled)
     I recognize you.

     Paul frowns, not understanding the words. Committing them to
     memory. Stilgar turns without further ceremony and strides
     back to his ornithopter, his Fremen bodyguard following him.

               I don't like him.

     Leto watches Stilgar go. He looks at Hawat, who has watched
     these proceedings.

               Our plan bears fruit...

               But it will take time.

               Yes, it will take time.

47   EXT. ARRAKEEN BARRACKS - DUSK                                47

     Paul, Gurney, and Idaho sit in a military barracks. Reunited
     friends with tales to tell. Drinking wine.

     Idaho pulls out a rugged instrument and passes it to Paul.

               This is for you. A paracompass. The
               moons here have magnetic fields, so
               a simple compass needle won't point
               north. It takes a clever piece of
               clockwork to sort it out.

     Paul turns the paracompass in his hands, admiring it.

               The Fremen make these?

               And stillsuits, and sand compactors
               ...all kinds of ingenious things.

               What the hell's a sand compactor?

     Idaho pulls a stubby pistol-shaped device off his belt and
     hands it over with a grin.
                          Golden Rev. (06/12/20)                  53.

                That's a sand compactor.

      Gurney examines the strange tool dubiously.

                My God, man, you've gone native.

                You admire them.

                I do. They're fierce, but loyal.
                Attuned to the desert. Part of it.
                It's part of them. Wait `til you
                see. It's beautiful out there.

48A   EXT. SPACEPORT - MORNING                                    48A

      Several old and rusty HARVESTERS are on repair. Very few
      CARRYALLS grab harvesters and take off with them.

      A little convoy of flying carryalls bring harvesters toward
      the open desert.


      Duke Leto and Paul emerge from the Residency, followed by
      Gurney. All three wear stillsuits and desert gear. They
      approach a waiting ornithopter.

      There stands DR. LIET KYNES. A tall, lean woman in her
      forties who exudes pride and intelligence. She has the
      shocking blue eyes of spice saturation. She is dressed in a
      stillsuit and desert robes. Atreides troops stand by with
      drawn swords and live shields.

                The Judge of the Change, Sire.
                Dr. Liet Kynes.

      She nods solemnly, meeting Leto's eyes boldly.

                My Lord Duke. Welcome to Arrakis.

                You're the Imperial Ecologist.
                Thank you for the stillsuits.

          They are of Fremen make. The best.
          With your permission, Sire, I must
          check the integrity of your suits.

She moves toward Leto without waiting for an answer.

The guards leap forward -- Gurney whipping his sword from its
sheath by instinct -- but Leto holds up a hand.

          It's all right.

He opens his arms, letting Kynes inside his guard. Close
enough to kiss or kill. She checks his stillsuit swiftly and
efficiently, making many small adjustments.

          A stillsuit is a high-efficiency
          filtration system. It cools the
          body, and recycles the water lost
          to sweat and other bodily fluids.
          Without one of these you wouldn't
          survive two hours, even in the
          morning. Your body's movements
          provide the power.

She shows Leto the filter and nose-plugs in his hood.

                    KYNES (CONT'D)
          In the open desert you wear these
          nose plugs and this filter across
          your face. In good working order,
          your suit won't lose more than a
          thimbleful of water a day.

Leto nods his thanks. Intrigued by this strange woman.

                    KYNES (CONT'D)
          Let's have a look at you, lad.

She quickly inspects Paul's suit -- with growing perplexity.
Everything is perfect, not a strap out of place.

                    KYNES (CONT'D)
          You've worn a stillsuit before?

          This is the first time.

          Your desert boots are fitted slip-
          fashion at the ankles. Who taught
          you to do that?

               It seemed the right way.

                  KYNES                  (CHAKOBSA TRANSLATION)
     It is the right way.            Ruha leda gefthek sahiimbit
        (quietly in Chakobsa,        qullaha hiyak. (PHONETIC: RU-
        subtitled)                   ha le-da GEF-thek sa-HIIM-bit
     He shall know your ways as      QUL-la-ha hi-yak)
     though born to them.

     Paul studies Kynes curiously. Sensing something.

               Are you Fremen?

               I am accepted in both sietch and
               village. But I remain an out-
               worlder in the Emperor's service.
               Now. Come and see the spice sands
               on which your livelihood depends.

     She turns to the ornithopter. Paul and Leto exchange glances
     -- sensing hidden depths in this Imperial Planetologist.


     Leto's ornithopter flies over a rolling sea of endless dunes.
     Paul stares.

               What would you do if your
               ornithopter went down out here?

               You wouldn't want to go down out
               there. It's worm territory.

               Dust cloud!

               I see it.

               That's one of your harvesters.

     Leto flies toward a SPICE CRAWLER, a massive harvester on
     caterpillar tracks, sixty meters long. It's creeping across a
     SPICE BED -- a rust-red patch of melange in the desert. Its
     stack throws a plume of yellow sand high into the air.

Three tiny one-seater ships -- SPOTTERS -- circle overhead.

                    KYNES (CONT'D)
          A rich spice bed, by the color. If
          you get a little higher you'll have
          a better view.

Leto makes an elegant U-Turn and brings the aircraft to a
higher altitude.

                    KYNES (CONT'D)
          There, you see the spotter
          aircraft, looking for wormsign.


          A sand wave moving toward the
          crawler. Worms travel deep but get
          closer to the surface when they
          attack. If you are patient, we
          should see one.

Paul notices Kynes' last words: she seems please by the
worm's menace.

          A worm always comes?

          Always. They're drawn by rhythmic

          Why don't we shield the crawlers?

          A shield's a death sentence in the
          desert. They attract the worms and
          drive them into a killing frenzy.

She breaks off as the Duke kicks on the jet brakes. The ship
bucks as its wings elongate and cup the air. The craft
becomes a full "thopter" as the Duke banks it, holding the
wings to a gentle beat, pointing with his left hand off to
the east beyond the factory dune crawler.

          Is that a worm?

Where the dunes recede in curves to the horizon, a straight
track cuts through them: a wave-crest approaching, the way a
fish disturbs the water when swimming beneath the surface.
                    Golden Rev. (06/12/20)               57.

          A big one. You have good eyes.

She leans back and selects a frequency, looking at a grid
chart on a roller over their heads. Speaks into a microphone:

                    KYNES (CONT'D)
          Calling crawler Delta Ajax niner.
          Wormsign warning! Acknowledge.

After a moment a reply crackles back, casual and laconic:

                    CRAWLER RADIOMAN (V.O.)
          Who calls Delta Ajax niner? Over.

          They seem pretty calm about it.

              (into microphone)
          Unlisted flight, Imperium business.
          Wormsign north and east of you
          three point seven kilometers.

                    SPOTTER ONE PILOT (V.O.)
          Delta Ajax niner, this is Spotter
          One. Wormsign confirmed. Stand by
          for contact fix.
              (a crackle of static)
          Worm is on intercept course your
          position, contact in six minutes.

                    CRAWLER RADIOMAN (V.O.)
          Copy, Spotter One.

          What happens now?

          They'll call the carryall to lift
          the crawler. They'll harvest right
          up to the last minute.

Leto cranes his head around. He banks the `thopter past the
crawler's sand plume. Scanning the horizon.

                    KYNES (CONT'D)

The carryall appears in the distance, flying slowly toward
the harvester. It seems this is no emergency for them.

The wormsign keeps coming, on a direct course to the crawler.
                    Golden Rev. (06/12/20)                  58.

                    CARRYALL PILOT (V.O.)
          Alpha Zero on approach. Prepare for

                    CRAWLER RADIOMAN (V.O.)
          Copy. Delta Ajax niner crew, be
          ready for docking.

                    SPOTTER ONE PILOT (V.O.)
          Contact in four minutes.

                    CARRYALL PILOT (V.O.)
          Docking sequence initiated. Brace

The carryall hovers on top of the harvester and launches its
anchors. But one of the four anchors stays stuck.

                    CARRYALL PILOT (V.O.)
          We have an issue with one of the
          anchors. Stand by.

He doesn't sound so casual anymore. Gurney sits forward.

The broken anchor doesn't budge.

The wormsign keeps coming.

                    CRAWLER RADIOMAN (V.O.)
          Alpha Zero. We're waiting.

                    CARRYALL PILOT (V.O.)
          Hydraulics are dead. We won't make
          it. You'll need to evacuate.

                    CRAWLER RADIOMAN (V.O.)
              (urgently now)
          You're out of your mind! We're not
          going out there! All call. All
          call. Any carryall in the sector
          please respond.

          Is there any way to kill that

          Short of atomics? No.

                    SPOTTER ONE PILOT (V.O.)
          Contact in THREE minutes.

Leto and Gurney come to battle stations like the veteran
soldiers they are.

          How many men on that crawler?

          Crew of twenty-one.

          Our ships can take six each.

          That's still three short.

          We'll find a way.

He brutally pushes the ornithopter's commands. The
ornithopter dives at high speed toward the crawler. Leto
grabs the microphone.

                    LETO (CONT'D)
          This is Duke Leto Atreides. We are
          coming down to take off Delta Ajax
          niner's crew. We'll put down on the

He lands his `thopter deftly despite the buffeting winds. His
two escort craft land nearby. Paul looks out at the escorts.

          A shield generator weighs a hundred

Leto looks at him with fierce approval.

          Yes! Gurney, have our escorts throw
          out their shield generators.

          Yes Sire!

          Paul stay behind and help the
          workers to get in!

          Yes Sire!

Gurney opens the door and climbs out into the wind, running
to the escorts. Paul is shocked by the scent on the air.

          Contact in two minutes.
                         Golden Rev. (06/12/20)               60.

     Paul jumps out onto the sand.

52   EXT. SPICE CRAWLER - CONTINUOUS                           52

     The spice bed is cinnamon-red underfoot. Paul's feet sink
     deeply into it: it sounds different from sand. He touches the
     sand. Orange spice particles glow out of it. On Paul:

                         CHANI (V.O.)

     ON LETO: Inside the ornithopter, Leto gets impatient: no one
     is outside yet.

               Where are they?
                   (into the mic)
               Delta Ajax niner! Put seven men
               each in my ships!

                         CRAWLER RADIOMAN 2 (V.O.)
               We got a full load of spice! We
               can't just leave it!

                   (shouting into the mic)
               Damn the spice! I want every man
               off that crawler. Now!

     The crawler's crew tumbles out onto the sand. Kynes looks at
     Leto in startled admiration. Here is a leader of men.

     BACK TO PAUL: in the distance, the approaching wormsign is
     clearly visible. Paul shouts at the spice workers stumbling
     through the dust. The Carryall flies away slowly.

               THIS WAY! Seven there! Seven in

     They run past him gratefully, in desperate haste.

     Then a GUST OF WIND slashes across the spice bed -- and COATS
     Paul's face and body with a fine dust of melange.

     Paul's breath catches. His pupils dilate. His heart POUNDS.
     Paul fall on his knees. Paul sees something we don't see.

     He is terrified. We hear POWERFUL BENE GESSERIT GHOST VOICES.
                   Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                 61.

                    BENE GESSERIT GHOSTS (V.O.)
          KWISATZ HADERACH! LISAN AL GAIB !                       
          KWISATZ HADERACH! LISAN AL GAIB!                        


Kynes wrestles the back seat out of the aircraft and throws
it on the sand. Spice workers crawl in and sit on the deck.

Gurney arrives beside her. Sees Paul missing. He spins.


Paul, on his knees, is a tiny inert figure almost under the
spice crawler's caterpillar treads.

The worm is almost upon them. The other ornithopters are
lifting off.


He is lost in his vision, beside the crawler. The worm
bearing down on him.

                     PAUL (V.O.)
               (in trance)
          I recognize your footsteps, old

As Gurney drags him to his feet, shaking him from the vision.

          We have to run, Paul! Now!

The hissing of the great worm through the sand fills the air.
A tidal wave of sand about to break over them.


Leto lifts off with the ramp down, jets screaming. Eyes
locked on his son. Driving the aircraft to its limits.

The sand wave subsides as the worm dives under the crawler.

Leto slides the ornithopter sideways with consummate skill.
Paul and Gurney run out of the dust and leap onto the ramp.
Gurney grabs a rail with one hand and Paul with the other.

                      GURNEY (CONT'D)
          Go go go!
                        Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)               62.

     Leto gives it everything. The overloaded ornithopter claws
     for altitude, jets burning, wings beating. Metal CREAKS
     dangerously. Turbines whine like banshees...

     The crawler falls away below them --

     THE WORM ERUPTS. Swallowing the entire spice crawler in a
     gulp, its cavernous maw rising out of the desert like a
     nightmare toward the struggling ornithopter.

     Clinging to Gurney, Paul stares down into that mouth in a
     semi-trance. Smelling the spice on the worm's hot breath.

     And then they're away, watching the Worm sink back into the
     sand, swallowing all their treasure.

     Paul sees Kynes muttering under her breath with religious
     fervor, her eyes on the worm below:

               Bless the Maker and His Water.
               Bless the coming and going of Him.
               May His passage cleanse the world
               and keep the world for His people.

     The rescued spice workers, out of breath, are praying.

53   EXT. ARRAKEEN RESIDENCY - AIRCRAFT BAY - DAY                 53

     Duke Leto and Paul get out of Leto's ornithopter and walk
     toward the Residency. Leto speaks sternly to Paul:

               You cannot take such risks. You
               have responsibilities.

               I'm sorry. It won't happen again.


     Paul leaves, shaken. Beside the ornithopter, Kynes stands
     watching. Leto strides towards her.

                         LETO (CONT'D)                                  
               Everything they left is in                               
               shambles. It's plain to see. We've                       
               been set up to fail. When you                            
               report to the Emperor, you must say                      
               the rules weren't followed.                              
                         Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                 63.

                All I can report is what I saw.                          
                That carryall was not sabotaged,                         
                just old. The desert isn't kind to                       

                    (A darker tone)                                      
                You know what'll happen if I fail                        
                to get spice production back on                          
                    (a beat)                                             
                The Harkonnens will return.                              

                I'm not here to take your part.                          
                Arrakis has seen men like you come                       
                and go.                                                  

      She's about to add something, like "you're no different;" but      
      bites her tongue.                                                  

      Still, Leto reads the fear in her eyes. The Harkonnens.            


      A harsh planet, its stony ground raked by strong winds. This
      is a massive military base. Scores of gunships and troop
      carriers are grounded here. Ornithopters buzz overhead.

      Gigantic Imperial flags flutter in the wind, bearing the
      Emperor's crest: a golden lion.


      Thousands of warriors in armored suits kneel on the tarmac.
      They are SARDAUKAR, the Emperor's elite soldiers.

      They are pale-skinned and bearded, their hair worn long.
      Where the Atreides troops have an air of gallantry about
      them, these are savages: eyes full of aggression and
      bloodlust, empty of compassion. They were bred for murder.

      A cadaverous PRIEST sings a litany in some foreign tongue --
      the sounds menacing and strange.

      VICARS walk the rows of soldiers with BOWLS OF BLOOD. Dipping
      their thumbs, they daub each Sardaukar's forehead and tongue.

      The blood flows from the sliced throats of prisoners
      crucified upside down at the edge of the field.
                        Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                 64.

     A BASHAR of the Sardaukar, an officer, leads Piter de Vries
     on an inspection of the troops. Even Piter is daunted.

                         SARDAUKAR BASHAR
               You outnumber the Atreides three to
               one. Still you come to us.

               The Atreides legions are the finest
               in the Imperium. Trained by Gurney
               Halleck and Duncan Idaho.

     The Bashar spins on him with a snarl, making Piter step back.

                         SARDAUKAR BASHAR
               We are the Sardaukar. The Emperor's
               blades. All who stand against us

               Just so. Three battalions. As

     The Sardaukar finish their ritual. They rise in unison and
     thrust their swords into the air with a cry. Piter flinches.

                         SARDAUKAR BASHAR
               The Emperor commands it. It is

55   INT. PAUL'S ROOM - SUNSET                                    55

     Paul sits on his desk chair as Doctor Yueh examines him.
     Jessica stands beside him, concerned.

                         DOCTOR YUEH
               Spice is a psychoactive chemical.
               You seem to be sensitive to small
               doses. A liability on Arrakis.
               You'll be fine.

               Thank you, Dr Yueh.                                      

     He nods respectfully and exits. Paul looks at his mother.          

               This wasn't an allergic reaction. I                      
               inhaled spice and I had visions.                         
               With my eyes wide open.                                  

               What did you see?                                        
                             Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)            65.

55AAB   EXT. ARRAKIS - DESERT - MORNING                        55AAB

        Chani is silhouetted by the rising sun behind her, creating a
        beatific halo. The young woman looks right at us with her
        otherworldly blue eyes. She smiles.

                            CHANI (V.O.)
                  Some of my people thought a
                  savior might never come.

        She leans in close, as if to kiss "us", Paul.

                  But not me.

        But then Chani darkens.

                             CHANI    (CONT'D)
                  I knew.


                            CHANI (SNEERING) (CONT'D)
                  I knew you couldn't stay the hell

        And now we/Paul look down to find the hilt of a CRYSKNIFE
        sticking out of our own chest.

        Paul falls on his knees (like he did in the desert).

55AAA   INT. FREMEN HOUSE, ARRAKIS - DAY                       55AAA     

        Jessica is holding a baby in her arms. The baby is wrapped in    
        Fremen clothes. Jessica's face is covered with ancient Fremen    
        words written with dark henna. A crysknife by her side.          

        BACK TO PAUL AND JESSICA IN PAUL'S BEDROOM.                      

        Paul stares at her, shaken.                                      

                  I know you are pregnant.                               

        Jessica stares at Paul in dread, hand going to her belly. Her    
        voice a whisper of disbelief:                                    

                  You can't know that. I barely know                     
                  that. It's only been a few weeks...                    
                          Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)               66.

55aB   INT. RESIDENCY CORRIDOR                                  55aB

       Jessica in tears walks in the corridor, trying to control her
       emotions: Paul is the One!

                           BENE GESSERIT GHOST VOICES                    
                 HE IS THE ONE! KWISATZ HADERACH!                        
                 LISAN AL GAIB!                                          

55aA   INT. MAIN HALL - SUNSET                                  55aA

       Paul stands staring at a huge worm fresco in the hallway, his
       face troubled.

       The Shadout Mapes comes down the hall. In a glance she takes
       in his turbulent emotion. She pauses at his side.

                           SHADOUT MAPES
                 You are touched by Shai-Hulud.

       She lays a hand on his shoulder, indifferent to protocol.

                           SHADOUT MAPES (CONT'D)
                 The vision is a gift. Don't be
                 afraid to see.

       She walks on. He looks after her in astonishment.

58     EXT. ARRAKEEN RESIDENCY - BALCONY - DAY                     58    

       Paul looks out over the city. And to the dunes beyond.            

                           LETO (O.S.)                                   
                 Lisan al-Gaib.                                          

       Paul turns to see his father join him.                            

                           LETO (CONT'D)                                 
                 That's what they call you, isn't                        
                 it? Voice From the Outer World.                         

       He sees something in Paul's face. His jaunty tone sobers.         

                           LETO (CONT'D)                                 
                 It troubles you.                                        

                 Legend is a pretty word for a lie.                      

                 I think you're afraid it might be                       
                         Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                67.

      Paul lowers his eyes, startled by how much Leto sees. But          
      this his father. And he trusts him more than he trusts             
      anyone. He bares his heart.                                        

                How can I make my way if my destiny                      
                was written before I was born?                           

      Leto joins him at the railing to look out over Arrakis.            

                If I tell you one day you'll find                        
                yourself on a mountaintop -- what                        
                does that change? You still have to                      
                climb the mountain.                                      
                Destiny grants us nothing -- and                         
                takes nothing away. We have to                           
                fight and bleed for the future we                        
                want. Because when all's said and                        
                done, there's only one way to find                       
                out if a prophecy is true.                               
                    (turns to Paul)                                      
                We earn it.                                              

      Paul nods. Like a weight has been lifted.                          

      And their formality gives way to a hug. Because Paul is            
      scared. And Leto knows.                                            

      And loves him no matter who he's meant to be. Prophecies be        

61    INT. ARRAKEEN RESIDENCY - PAUL'S ROOM - NIGHT                61

      Paul wearily strips off his uniform. Lost in thought.

      Doctor Yueh appears in the doorway. He sets a white tablet on
      a tray on the nightstand. Paul nods.


      Duke Leto stands in front of Duncan Idaho. Leto communicates
      with precise hand signals using THE ATREIDES COMBAT SIGN
      LANGUAGE. We can read the translation with subtitles.

      Leave at dawn. Give this message to the FREMEN.

      The Duke gives him a tiny object.

      Trust no one.
                         Golden Rev. (06/12/20)                 68.

     Duncan bows and leaves. Leto stays alone, lost in thoughts.

60   INT. ARRAKEEN LANDING - BARRACKS - NIGHT                     60

     Gurney leans his baliset against his shoulder. His callused
     fingers draw mournful arpeggios from the strings.

     The troops listening.

               I remember salt smoke from a beach
               The seagulls crying on the

64   INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT                                  64

     Leto and Jessica lie in bed. A tense frown on Leto's brow.

                         GURNEY (V.O.)
               Now worlds away, in stranger skies,
               They call no more, they call no

               You have to sleep.

     She reaches for the silver tray on her bedside table: a
     sleeping pill from Doctor Yueh.

               Not like that.

     She smiles, knowing what he wants.

               Close your eyes.

     He obeys. She lays her fingers on his temples, her thumb on
     his third eye, and hums softly, a beautiful, hypnotic drone.

     Instantly Leto's breathing deepens. The lines in his face
     smooth away. A smile touches his lips...and he's asleep.

                         GURNEY (V.O.)
               I remember perfume on a silken
               Lovers' arms pale against the

      Jessica lies back. She lays a hand on her belly with a
      listening expression, meditative. She smiles serenely.

                          GURNEY (V.O.)
                Now worlds away, those winsome
                They call no more, they call no

      She takes her sleeping pill and closes her eyes.

                          GURNEY (V.O.)
                I remember garrisons of old
                campaigners, Years washed with
                weariness and wine... Now worlds
                away, the wars forgotten...

64A   OMITTED                                                   64A

64B   OMITTED                                                   64B

65    EXT. RESIDENCY - NIGHT                                     65

      One by one the lights in the windows go out. The house
      shields shimmer in the moonlight.

                          GURNEY (V.O.)
                They call no more, they call no

67    INT. MASTER BEDROOM - HOURS LATER                          67

      Leto awakens with a little gasp of anxiety. The room is dark
      now. The city outside is silent.

      He looks at Jessica: she sleeps deeply beside him. His eyes
      stray out the window. Far away, on the Shield Wall cliffs, a
      FLICKERING LIGHT draws his attention. He gets out of bed,
      staring at it. It's barely visible at the edge of the window.

68    INT. MAIN CORRIDOR - NIGHT                                 68

      Leto walks down a hallway to a wide window with a clearer
      view of the Shield Wall. The flashing light is unmistakable:
      Blink-squirt, flicker, flash. A signal!

     From a roof nearby he sees another light flash in answer. He
     frowns. What does it mean?

     A strange MEWLING NOISE turns his head. An odd animal sound.
     Inside the house. He switches on his shield. Draws his knife.
     Follows the sound, touching his transceiver as he goes:

               Security. Security. Hawat.

     No answer. A faint hiss of static.

     Something moves in the shadows: a figure, dragging itself
     along the floor. A knife jutting from its back. A trail of
     blood stretching away behind.

     It's the Shadout Mapes. Dying by inches. Leto kneels beside
     her. Turns her on her side. Her eyes find his in the dark.

     She mumbles some inaudible words.

     She dies. Leto looks down the passageway in alarm. He runs.


     Swift and silent, Leto races to the door of the Shield
     Generator Room. The door, clearly labeled, stands ajar.
     Inside, the massive generators are still humming. Power on.


     A DART PISTOL comes to bear and FIRES. A dart shoots out. As
     it approaches Leto's shield it opens tiny wings and slows,
     swooping like a swallow through the shield at low speed --

     -- then folds its wings and DIVES INTO HIS BACK.

     Leto stiffens as the drugged dart takes effect. He spins --
     but his legs buckle. He staggers and slides down the wall to
     the floor. Knife clattering from nerveless fingers. Leto is

     Doctor Yueh walks in.

71   INT. ARRAKEEN LANDING - BARRACKS - NIGHT                     71

     Long rows of steel bunks. Gurney Halley lies sleeping beside
     his regiment. A LIEUTENANT bursts in and shakes him awake.
                                 Revision                         71.

72    EXT. ARRAKEEN LANDING - NIGHT                                72

      Gurney and his men spill out into the night, pulling on
      jackets and belts.

      In orbit overhead they can see the running lights of a
      colossal Guild Heighliner -- and from that mighty ship a VAST
      HARKONNEN WAR FLEET is issuing: big frigates, fast gunships,
      troop carriers. Quartering the sky in their hundreds.

      Gurney stares at the sight and despair fills his face.

                God in Heaven. Get everything with
                guns off the ground!

      The spaceport control tower BLOWS UP in a brutal and
      spectacular explosion.

73    EXT. ARRAKIS ORBIT                                           73

      Below, the night side of Arrakis is a sea of darkness. The
      massive explosion of the spaceport control tower illuminates
      the desert. The shadow of a huge Harkonnen Frigate glides in
      the foreground.

74    EXT. ARRAKEEN LANDING - NIGHT                                74

      Gurney and his men run toward one of the Atreides frigates.
      The ship explodes. The whole spaceport is being bombarded.

      Gurney leads his men across the tarmac, swords drawn, shields
      on. Troopships are spilling Harkonnen soldiers ahead of them.

      Gurney charges three Harkonnen soldiers. A swift exchange of
      blades -- and Gurney kills the Harkonnens, taking an enemy
      sword as last one falls.

      He looks around. His men vastly outnumbered. Harkonnen
      raining down all over the spaceport. He roars like a lion:

                WITH ME! WITH ME!

      He charges, a sword in each hand, a wolfish smile on his
      face. And his men follow him into the jaws of hell.

74A   EXT. ARRAKEEN - NIGHT                                       74A

      A flock of Harkonnen troopships land around the residency.

75   EXT. ARRAKEEN RESIDENCY - NIGHT                           75

     The Atreides house guards are holding against the Harkonnens,
     bodies piling up at their feet. Then Sardaukar begin dropping
     from the sky. They join the battle. Atreides guards fall. The
     invading force breaks through. Into the Residency.

76   SERVICE CORRIDOR                                          76

     Duke Leto sits slumped against the wall, shield deactivated.
     Yueh stoops over him. Leto tries to rise and cannot move.

                         DOCTOR YUEH
               I'm sorry, my Lord. I am. But I've
               made a bargain with the Baron.


                         DOCTOR YUEH
               I had no choice. The Harkonnens
               have my wife. Wanna.

     He is in agony at the thought, tears streaming down his face.

                         DOCTOR YUEH (CONT'D)
               They take her apart like a doll.
               I will buy her freedom. And you are
               the price. But you and I will make
               another bargain, between us.

     He pulls the Ducal signet ring off Leto's hand. Holds it up.

                         DOCTOR YUEH (CONT'D)
               For Paul. I will do what I can.

     The thought of his family drives Leto to desperation. But his
     paralysis is deepening and he cannot speak.

                         DOCTOR YUEH (CONT'D)
               And you will kill a man for me.

     Leto stares at him, not understanding.

                         DOCTOR YUEH (CONT'D)
               I'm going to replace the peg tooth
               in your mouth.

     He holds up a new false tooth.

                         DOCTOR YUEH (CONT'D)
               If you bite down hard, this tooth
               will crush.

                          DOCTOR YUEH (CONT'D)
                Breathe out, and you will fill the
                air with poison.
                It will be your last breath. But if
                you choose your moment well
       will also be the Baron's.

66    INT. RESIDENCY - PAUL'S BEDROOM - NIGHT                      66

      Paul stirs in his sleep. Eyes moving under closed lids. An
      Harkonnen soldier opens his door.

66A   INSERT: CHANI                                               66A

      She looks at him in the warm light of the sun, so close.

                Paul. You need to wake up.

80    EXT. RESIDENCY - NIGHT                                       80

      The date palms out front are on fire, casting a lurid light
      over the scene.

      There are hundreds of soldiers flooding into the house.
      Harkonnen ornithopters landing in the streets below.

      This is a massacre. In a courtyard Atreides soldiers lined up
      on their knees. The Sardaukar begin to BEHEAD THEM with
      methodical swiftness. Rabban takes part in the execution with
      bloodthirsty zeal.

78    INT. RESIDENCY CORRIDOR - NIGHT                              78

      Duncan Idaho's shadow appears into the hallway.

      He sees a Sardaukar at the end of the corridor. He switches
      on his shield, as two other Sardaukar run toward him.

      Idaho slips through the Sardaukar's guard and kills them.

      A fourth Sardaukar fires TWO DARTS from a SLOW-DART PISTOL:
      they slam into Idaho's shield and begin to tunnel inward...

      Idaho slashes one dart with his sword, destroying it. Parries
      a blow from the Sardaukar who fired it -- then slashes the
      other dart out of existence just before it punches through.
      He leaps and strikes the Sardaukar down.

78A   INT. RESIDENCY, MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT                      78A

      Duncan runs into the Duke and Jessica's bedroom. Empty.

78B   INT. RESIDENCY, PAUL'S BEDROOM -NIGHT                       78B

      Duncan enters Paul's bedroom. Paul isn't there anymore.


      Jessica and Paul are loaded roughly into an ornithopter by a
      DEAF TROOPER with a scarred face and TWO OTHER TROOPERS.

      The troopers wrestle them into seats and strap them down.

                          FIRST TROOPER
                We'll drop `em in the desert.
                Someplace the worms'll get `em.

                          SECOND TROOPER
                Why not just cut their throats?

                          FIRST TROOPER
                It's the Duke's family. We could
                face a Truthsayer for this. Gotta
                be able to say we didn't kill `em.

      The Second Trooper pilots. The First Trooper and Deaf Trooper
      sit in the copilot and navigator positions, respectively.

      Paul and Jessica are immobilized. Ankles bound. Hands tied
      behind them. Jessica still gagged. They look in horror at the
      devastation of Arrakeen. The impossible multitude of
      Harkonnen troops and warships.

      Their eyes meet. A calm descending on both of them. This is
      life or death. Their minds shift into higher levels of
      thought. Bene Gesserit awareness. Mentat calculation.

      Paul twists away. Behind his back he flashes a hand signal.

                    (hand signal, subtitled)
                The scarred trooper is deaf.

      Jessica turns to study their captors. The ornithopter. She
      sees a BLACK DIAMOND OF THE SUK SCHOOL etched on the back of
      the seat in front of her. Something's stashed under the seat.

      The ornithopter lifts off.
                        Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)               75.

     A haunting HARKONNEN GUN SHIP, THE PLAGUE, hovers over the
     city, pouring hell.

87   EXT. SHIELD WALL - NIGHT                                     87

     The ornithopter passes over the Shield Wall into the desert.
     In the distance we see Arrakeen Landing on fire.

81   EXT. ROOFTOP - NIGHT                                         81

     Idaho crawls on the edge of a landing pad where a Harkonnen
     military ornithopter has landed. The aircraft is protected by
     several guards. Idaho comes down on top of a soldier and
     stabs him through the top of his head. Turns and cuts down
     four others without mercy.

     Terrorized, the rest of the soldiers move away.

     Idaho gets in the ornithopter and lifts off, mechanical wings
     kicking up dust.

     As he rises above the next landing pad, he fires every
     rockets he's got on Harkonnen Troop Transports.

     An enemy frigate spots him and immediately fires.

     Duncan avoids the missile by diving toward the surface of the
     city, hiding at a lower level into an atrium filled with
     Harkonnen troops.

     He spins around firing at the troops and rushes at high speed
     into a street, as the atrium explodes, bombed by the frigate.

     The street is a dead end.

     His ornithopter brutally stops and does a radical vertical         
     maneuver to get back to the surface, as massive explosions
     eradicate what's left of the atrium.

     Being hunted by the frigate again, Idaho launches his
     ornithopter at high speed toward the edge of the protective
     wall of the war-torn city.

     Reaching the edge, he barely avoids several missiles, dives
     and disappears into heavy clouds of dark smoke.

     He finally escapes.

93   EXT. ARRAKEEN RESIDENCY - BALCONY - NIGHT                    93

     Harkonnen warships hang triumphant over the war-torn city.
     Weapons fire and cries of agony ring out in the streets.

     Piter de Vries stands watching with a bound and battered
     Thufir Hawat, guarded by four Sardaukar. Piter is gloating.

                         PITER DE VRIES
               Checkmate, old friend.

     Hawat, humiliated, doesn't answer.

88   INT. ORNITHOPTER (IN FLIGHT) - NIGHT                         88

     The ornithopter holds its heading, leaving the Troopers
     little to do. They turn. Their eyes finding Jessica.

                         FIRST TROOPER
               I never had a highborn. You?

                         SECOND TROOPER
               Bene Gesserit ain't all highborn.

                         FIRST TROOPER
               Highborn enough for me.

     The Deaf Trooper reads lips; he's followed this exchange.

                         DEAF TROOPER
               Let's feed the cub to the worms and
               give her a long goodbye.

     Paul studies the First Trooper with Bene Gesserit intensity.
     His eyes. His lips. His hands. The pulse in his neck.

               Don't you dare touch my mother!

     The Deaf Trooper gets up and kicks Paul in the stomach. Paul
     grunts in pain, gasping for air.

                         DEAF TROOPER
               Don't talk.

     The ornithopter enters the desert proper, low over the dunes.

     Paul slows his breathing. Masters his body. Gets his breath.
     Beside him, Jessica sees what he's about to do and stiffens.
     He's not ready. She tries to catch his attention in vain,
     doing precise hand signals.

              (hand signal, subtitled)
          Don't do this. You are not ready!

Paul focuses on the First Trooper.

              (attempting the Voice)
          REMOVE HER GAG.

No effect. The Deaf Trooper backhands Paul across the face.
The First Trooper taps the Deaf Trooper on the shoulder.

                    FIRST TROOPER
          We're far enough out. Let's toss
          the boy.

The Deaf One nods and hauls the side door open: wind buffets
through the ornithopter as it skims the dune-tops. Paul looks
at his mother.

              (hand signal, subtitled)
          Your pitch was too high.

The First Trooper leans over Paul and unstraps him from the
seat. As soon as his buckles are loose, Paul tries again.

              (using the Voice)
          REMOVE HER GAG.

Perfect tone. His voice echoes with unnatural authority.

As if it were his own idea, the First Trooper turns to
Jessica, pulls his knife and cuts her gag free.

Too late, the Deaf Trooper sees what he's doing. He pulls the
First Trooper away. They stumble back, struggling.

              (using the Voice)
          KILL HIM. NOW.

Instantly the First Trooper plunges his knife into the Deaf
Trooper's throat.

The Deaf Trooper stands like a statue, the knife jutting from
his throat. Paralyzed. The First Trooper stares at his hands,
horrified by his own actions. A SOB bursts from him.

                    JESSICA (CONT'D)
              (using the Voice)
          SET US FREE.

     The First Trooper unlatches Jessica's seat harness. He yanks
     his knife from the Deaf Trooper's throat. Blood gouts from
     the deaf man's neck. He sways but does not fall.

     The First Trooper kneels and cuts Paul's ankles free -- but
     then the Second Trooper abandons the controls, rushes back
     and shoves the First Trooper aside.

     Desperately he tries to gag Jessica again. His clumsy
     struggles keeping her from speaking.

     The ornithopter's AUTOPILOT kicks in: SAFE LANDING PROTOCOL.

     Paul leaps from his seat, hands still bound behind him. He
     kicks hard into the Second Trooper's solar plexus, his foot
     digging deep and doing damage. The Second Trooper doubles
     over -- and Paul kicks him out of the moving ornithopter.

     A KNIFE whistles toward Paul's neck: the First Trooper
     returning to the fight. Paul throws himself backward, dodging
     the blow, but falls to the deck.

     The First Trooper comes for him.

                         JESSICA (CONT'D)

     The First Trooper freezes.

                         JESSICA (CONT'D)
               CUT ME LOOSE.

     Swiftly and efficiently he cuts the bonds on her ankles, and
     then on her wrists.

                         JESSICA (CONT'D)
               GIVE ME THE KNIFE.

     The First Trooper begins to weep. He gives her the knife.
     Instantly Jessica rams the blade up under the Trooper's chin
     into his brain, and yanks it free again. He falls dead.

     The Deaf Trooper, bled out on his feet, collapses beside him.

     Jessica bends over Paul with the knife and frees his hands.

89   EXT. DUST BASIN - NIGHT                                      89

     The ornithopter, unpiloted, settles to the desert floor.

90   INT./EXT. ORNITHOPTER - NIGHT                                90

     Jessica and Paul pick themselves up. On the horizon, many
     miles off, they can see the Shield Wall that shelters
     Arrakeen. Explosions flash above the wall.

     She reaches under the diamond mark left by Yueh. Pulls out
     the bundle under the seat: a compact, well-made BACKPACK.

     Jessica opens the pack. A little light illuminates inside.
     Paul studies the contents.

               It's a fremkit. Fremen survival
               gear. It'll give us a chance.

     Suddenly a HARSH VOICE squawks over the ornithopter's
     communicator: a guttural string of strange syllables.

               Harkonnen battle language. They're
               demanding a counter-phrase.

     The harsh voice speaks again. More demanding now.

     Suddenly the displays of the cockpit avionics go red. Warning
     labels with threatening symbols.

               They've crippled the ship.

               They'll be on their way.

     They clamber out of the ornithopter.

91   EXT. SAND DUNES - NIGHT                                      91

     Paul and Jessica runs away from the ornithopter.

     They find themselves on a rise: in one direction, Arrakeen
     burns, convulsed by war. In the other, a sea of dunes rolls
     away to the horizon. They're totally exposed. They press into
     the dunes, barefoot in the sand in the dark. Paul lugs the
     fremkit. The wind picks up, spice-dust swirling around their
     feet. Paul and Jessica stare at the city on fire.


     Baron Vladimir Harkonnen sits at the head of the table, under
     the mounted bull's head. He wears a Harkonnen uniform with
     military trim for his day of triumph.

Before him is laid a lavish dinner for one: a steaming roast,
cheese and wine. He eats the roast directly from the platter
with fork and carving knife, breathing like a buffalo.

Arrakis-born servants stand ready at either side, petrified.
Guards stand with their backs to the walls.

                    BARON HARKONNEN
              (with his mouth full)
          You have a good kitchen, cousin.

He directs his words to the far end of the table -- where
Duke Leto sits, naked, chained to a chair under the portrait
of his father. He is slumped over, still woozy from Yueh's
drug: the Baron just a blur to him at the head of the table.

Outside the high windows, the night of Arrakeen is torn by
violence everywhere the eye touches. Columns of smoke rise
over the city, lit from below by lurid red flames.

Piter enters with Doctor Yueh. They stop beside the Baron.

          Milord Baron. Doctor Yueh.

                    BARON HARKONNEN
              (with his mouth full)
          The Traitor! What do you want?

                    DOCTOR YUEH
          I jammed their comms and lowered
          the shields. I delivered the Duke
          and his family.

He glances uneasily at the far end of the table, where Leto
stares at him glassily from beneath his tousled hair.

The Baron squints at Doctor Yueh's face, drawn and tragic.

                    BARON HARKONNEN
          The bargain to the letter! And what
          was I to do for you?

                    DOCTOR YUEH
          Deliver my Wanna from her agony.

                     BARON HARKONNEN
          Ah. Yes.

The Baron stabs his fork into the roast and rises, his feet
briefly leaving the floor as his suspensors overcompensate.

                    BARON HARKONNEN (CONT'D)
          I said that I would set her free.
          That you could join her.

He reaches out and takes Doctor Yueh by the hair. His grip
shockingly strong. Yueh gasps.

                    BARON HARKONNEN (CONT'D)
          So join her.

He lifts the carving knife and SAWS OFF YUEH'S HEAD. So
brutally and swiftly that Yueh has no time to struggle. A
spray of blood spatters the servants, who dare not move.

The Baron shows Yueh's head to Piter and lets it fall.

He swings the knife slowly around, theatrically, to Leto.

The Baron walks slowly down the long table with floating
strides, dragging the knife-point along the table.

                    BARON HARKONNEN (CONT'D)
          What's next?

Leto lifts his head to stare at the Baron. Eyes focusing now.
There is death in his look. He is a chained lion.

Instantly the Baron's hand goes to his belt and activates his
shield. Piter giggles. Angry, the Baron prowls closer.

                    BARON HARKONNEN (CONT'D)
          For centuries we traded blood for
          blood. But no more. Your son is
          dead. Your concubine is dead.
          Tonight House Atreides falls.
          Your bloodline ends forever.

Leto lowers his head. Taking a moment for his grief and rage.
We see a brief mental image of Paul and then, one of Jessica.

              (under his breath)
          Here I am, here I remain.

The Baron grabs Leto's hair and drags his head up. The
carving knife at the ready. Leto takes a deep breath.

                    BARON HARKONNEN
          What did you say?

Muscles clench in Leto's jaw. A tiny crunch. Leto opens his
mouth -- and blows out a cloud of poisonous vapor.

     The vapor is slowed by the Baron's shield, revealing its
     curving boundary. Penetrating only partially.

     The Baron leaps backward, retching and screaming. He slaps
     his suspensor system into overdrive and shoots up to the
     ceiling, tumbling head over heels.

     Below him the vapor spreads across the room with shocking
     rapidity -- guards and servants falling dead in a wave from
     one end of the hall to the other. Piter among them -- his
     face twisting into a spectacular rictus.

     More guards rush inside -- and fall dead in their turn.

                         HARKONNEN GUARD

     The doors slam shut from the outside.

95   INT. STILLTENT - DAWN (BEFORE SUNRISE)                       95

     Dim light filters through the tent walls as the sky brightens
     outside. Sand hisses softly over the tent.

     Paul unpacks the fremkit, taking inventory. Laying out items.

               Sand compactor. Paracompass.
               Thumper. "Maker hooks," whatever
               they are. The Manual of the Desert.
               No stillsuits. The one thing we...

     His breath catches. Beneath the manual there is a folded slip
     of paper bound in a ribbon. Paul unfolds the paper. Inside he
     finds a transmitter. The paper itself is a handwritten note
     in elegant calligraphy.

                         PAUL (CONT'D)
               This is Doctor Yueh's handwriting.
               "There is an Atreides transmitter
               in the Fremkit. If anyone survives.
               They'll find you."

     Paul pulls it out -- and at the end of the ribbon dangles
     Leto's SIGNET RING.

     They both stop breathing. Paul takes the ring off the ribbon
     and hands it to Jessica. Heavy, ancient, obviously authentic.
     It means death. They both know it. Tears shine in Jessica's
     eyes as she struggles for control. Her chin trembles.

      Paul unfolds the paper. Inside he finds the compact edition
      of the Orange Catholic Bible that Yueh gave him. The paper
      itself is a handwritten note in elegant calligraphy.

      Jessica gives a short, sharp wail and covers her mouth.

      Paul watches the sand hissing over the tent, darkening the
      interior as it covers the translucent fabric.

      Jessica curls up and sobs. The love of her life gone forever.


      Duke Leto Atreides lies back in the chair, eyes open, looking
      at eternity. A white dust covering him and his surroundings.

      Around him, an apocalyptic sight: dozens of bodies scattered
      across the floor, frozen in contorted positions like the dead
      of Pompeii. Amongst them, Piter de Vries.

      Harkonnen guards enter the hall in sealed spacesuits --
      wheeling a filtration device to purge the air of poison.

      A sinister sound -- like ice breaking up on a lake in winter.
      The soldiers look up.

      The Baron's massive body is glued to the high ceiling, curled
      up like a gigantic dead spider. Suddenly it begins to move,
      crawling monstrously down the wall.

      The soldiers step back in superstitious dread. The Baron, his
      face hidden under his cloak, crawls out of the room. The
      soldiers exchange terrified looks.

95A   EXT. STILLTENT - DAWN (BEFORE SUNRISE)                      95A

      The windblown sand covers the last of the tent's exposed
      surface, concealing it completely. The sand keeps coming.

95B   INT. STILLTENT - SUNRISE                                    95B

      Dark now. Paul illuminates a glowglobe that fills the tent
      with a dim green radiance. An eerie and unsettling light.
      Spice particles dancing in the light.

      Jessica sits up. Struggling to comprehend what has happened.
      Still wracked with grief. But Paul is remote. Analytical.

      Paul closes his eyes. Seeing patterns. Awareness expanding.
                             Golden Rev. (06/12/20)             84.

      Flashes of orange SPICE VISION pulse through his awareness in
      the scene that follows. Glimpses of possible futures.

95C   SPICE VISION: EXT. ARRAKIS - DESERT - DAY                 95C

      A vision of the future, Paul's most distant yet.

      We're looking at Chani, who's standing at the edge of some
      natural wonder overlooking a vast swath of desert.

      She seems more mature than in previous visions, and is now
      dressed in a long linen dress.

                   Lisan al Gaib.

      Chani lovingly motions for us to join her.

                             CHANI (V.O.)
                   Bless your coming and going.

      As we approach this overlook, we begin to hear what sounds
      like ROARING.

                             CHANI (V.O.)
                   May your passage cleanse the world.

      Chani points down at what's happening below, asks us a

                             CHANI (V.O.)
                   Will you keep it for your people?

      Rather than finding an adoring crowd, what we see is nothing
      short of HELL, a ferocious BATTLE TO THE DEATH between
      thousands of FREMEN FIGHTERS and even more SARDAUKAR

      The scene is one of endless blood and screaming and fire and



      IT'S PAUL.


      An army of Fremen are cheering at their leader who's standing
      in the opened door of a spacecraft, hovering above the
                           Golden Rev. (06/12/20)              85.

      We get closer and see that the dark leader figure is Paul,
      flanked by Chani and other soldiers.

      CLOSER LOOK AT Paul, dark and silent.

95B   INT. STILLTENT - SUNRISE                                 95B


      He shakes his head in bewilderment.

                          PAUL (V.O.)
                My father is dead. Why can't I cry?

      He closes his eyes as spice visions shake him, like a drug
      altering his awareness.

      He glares at her with cold intensity. Jessica is shocked by
      this turn in him. His coldness.


                There's something awakening in my

      He sounds half-mad. Jessica recoils, afraid of the visionary
      light in his eyes. Afraid of what he sees.

      She looks at him closely. He's trembling. His eyes far away.

                You're afraid. What do you see that
                you fear?

                    (in a rising frenzy)
                Holy war. Spreading across the
                universe like unquenchable fire.
                A warrior religion that waves the
                Atreides banner. Fanatical legions
                worshipping at the shrine of my
                father's skull. A crusade. In my
                name. My name. That's the future.
                It's coming.


                          CHANI'S VISION
                         Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                86.

     She grabs him by the shoulders. Anchoring him.

               Your name is Paul. Paul Atreides.
               You are the Duke Paul Atreides.

     He looks up his eyes are shining with tears.

                   (using the Voice)
               GET OFF ME!

     Jessica moves back.

                         PAUL (CONT'D)
               You did this to me! You BENE
               GESSERIT. You made me a freak!                           

     Jessica slowly goes back closer to him. She pulls him into
     her shoulder, holding him. He bursts into sobs, finally. She
     cries with him.

98   EXT. KYNES'S HOME - DAY                                      98

     A house high up on the edge of the city, with commanding
     views. Accessible on one side from the street and on the
     other side from the desert. The home of Liet Kynes.

     Kynes stands on the terrace, looking out at the Harkonnen war
     fleet in the skies of Arrakis. Her face is grim.

     Her eyes widen as a Harkonnen ornithopter swoops directly
     toward her -- flares its wings in a daredevil maneuver -- and
     lands lightly on the ledge in front of her house.

     Duncan Idaho gets out, haggard, and ROARS:


     Kynes's hand goes to the hilt of a crysknife sheathed at the
     small of her back.

               It's not safe for you here.

     Idaho draws his sword. Trembling with rage. Spits the words:

               Will you tell the Great Houses of
               the Landsraad how we were betrayed?
               How the best of them was murdered

                I am commanded to say nothing.
                To see nothing.

      Idaho stares at her bleakly as the import of that sinks in.

                The Emperor sent us here to die.

      Kynes lowers her head. Speaks almost to herself:

                God created Arrakis to test the

99    INT. STILLTENT - DAY                                         99

      The dark tent is dimly lit by a pale glowtab. Scant beads of
      condensate form on the tent wall and drip into a reclamation
      system. Jessica lies sleeping.

      Paul is looking at his father's ring.

      He slowly put it on his finger.

      We hear a signal from the transmitter.

      She wakes to see Paul bending over the water reclamation

                Someone is near. You need to drink.

      He detaches the catchpocket and hands it to her: a scant
      offering of water. She drinks half of it and hands it back.
      He finishes it. Both look haggard: skin dry, lips cracked.

                          PAUL (CONT'D)
                Let's get out of here.

      He picks up a SAND COMPACTOR and turns to the tent door.
      Opens the sphincter door.

      A trickle of sand pours in -- but Paul activates the sand
      compactor: its electrostatic field repels the sand and causes
      it to pack more tightly. He tunnels toward the surface.

100   EXT. ARRAKIS DESERT - SUNSET                                100

      Sand dunes glow in the light of an orange sunset. The twin
      moons rising in the sky. Silence and stillness.

      A sudden movement: a minuscule animal, a DESERT MOUSE with
      impressive huge ears, climbs a dune.

      The mouse reaches the top of the dune where a faint evening
      mist is blowing. It stands up in the wind, opening its ears
      wide like sails: capturing moisture. Tiny beads of water
      catch in the fine hairs and form droplets. The mouse drinks.

      A MOVEMENT IN THE SAND nearby sends the mouse scurrying off.

      Paul burrows up out of the sand with the compactor. Looks
      around. Ten feet away, the desert mouse stands frozen. For a
      moment they look at each other. The mouse hops away.

      Paul climbs out. Reaches down into the hole again and pulls
      out the Fremkit pack. Reaches down one more time and drags
      Jessica out. She comes out drawing a trailing strap behind

      AN ORNITHOPTER approachs, fast and low. Nowhere to run.

      The ornithopter flares its wings aerobatically and touches
      down light as a feather. Paul bursts into a smile.

                That's Duncan!

      Idaho swings out of the pilot's seat. His eyes wide with
      astonishment and joy. He runs to them across the sand. Throws
      his arms around them. His voice husky with emotion.

      Tears rise in his eyes. He takes Paul by his shoulders.

                Paul. I'm so sorry. Your father...

      Duncan stiffens in realization. Drops to his knees.

                          IDAHO (CONT'D)
                Sire. Milord Duke.

      He presses his forehead to Paul's hand, overwhelmed. Jessica
      lays a loving hand on Duncan's head.

101   INT. IDAHO'S ORNITHOPTER - NIGHT                            101

      Paul and Jessica clamber into the rear seats -- and find
      Kynes sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

      Idaho passes a ration kit back to Paul and Jessica. They pull
      out water flasks and ration bars, and drink thirstily as
      Idaho takes the controls and lifts off.

          Dr. Kynes.

          She's found us a place to hide.
          And friends to watch over us.

Paul looks out the windows at the ornithopters flanking them.


          People I trust.

              (to Idaho)
          Is there anyone else left?

Idaho shakes his head grimly. Remembering the carnage.

          I listened on the combat channels.
          Gurney gave `em hell at Arrakeen
          Landing, but lost the day.
          They must have landed ten legions.
          Hundreds of ships. There were
          Sardaukar with them. At least two

          You're sure?

          You cross swords with a Sardaukar,
          you know it.

          So. The Emperor's taken a side.
          What says the Judge of the Change?

Kynes looks back at her sadly.

          My title is hollow. The Emperor
          forbids me to say anything at all.

          Yet you risk your life to help us.

102    EXT. ROCKY PROMONTORY - DAWN                                102

       Swiftly the Fremen cover the ornithopters with camouflaged
       tarpaulins and anchor them to the ground.

                 We have to get inside. There's a
                 storm coming.

       Paul looks: far off he can see the storm as a column of
       darkness blotting out the stars. At its edge the stars shine
       blood-red through a haze of sand and dust.

       The Fremen find a subtle marking on the rock. Using sand
       compactors they dig down until a DOOR is revealed. The Fremen
       work a hidden latch. The stone slab swings inward, revealing
       a corridor. Kynes leads them inside.

102A   INT. RESEARCH STATION - NEXUS - DAY                        102A

       A huge circular chamber with a central pillar of stone.
       Passages lead away to laboratories and other facilities.

       Rough-hewn vents open in the rocky ceiling: warm, indirect
       sunlight shines through some fissure high above. The floor is
       drifted with sand. Kynes nods at her Fremen escort.

103    INT. LABORATORY - DAY                                       103

       Kynes leads Paul, Jessica, and Idaho through a door. They are
       accompanied by two Fremen: TANAT and SHAMIR. They enter a
       wide hall: lights flicker on. They see science facilities on
       each side: botanical labs, chemistry labs, storerooms.

                 Tanat, will you find stillsuits to
                 fit our visitors? Shamir, coffee
                 service, please.

                 Yes, Liet.

       The Fremen hurry off with unquestioning obedience. Paul
       watches this curiously.

                 Who are you to the Fremen?

       Kynes smiles slightly and does not answer.

       Idaho, ever cautious, prowls across the station, peering into
       laboratories. Hands on his weapons. Kynes looks at Paul.

                Do you know what this place is?
                It's an old Ecological Testing
                Station. They were meant to tame
                the planet. Free the water locked
                beneath the sands. Arrakis could be
                a paradise. The work had begun. But
                then we discovered the spice! And
                suddenly no one wanted the desert
                to go away.

104   INT. LABORATORY - DAY                                       104

      Duncan Idaho wanders into a lab where DESERT-ADAPTED PLANTS
      grow under glass domes -- not in soil but in sand. He walks
      the rows in quiet wonder, hand on his sword-hilt.

105   INT. LABORATORY OFFICE - DAY                                105

      A square chamber carved from bedrock, lit by glowglobes. A
      row of metal file cabinets stands against one wall.

      In the middle of the room, a desk with a milk-glass top shot
      full of yellow bubbles is ringed by four suspensor chairs.
      Kynes sits at the desk with Paul and Jessica.

      Tanat returns and lays two bundled stillsuits and their
      fremkit on a shelf for them.

                Thank you, Tanat.

      Tanat exits. We glimpse Idaho taking up a guard position
      outside the office as the door closes.

                Do you know what the Great Houses
                fear most? Just what's happening
                here. The Sardaukar picking them
                off one by one. Only together can
                they stand against the Imperium.
                Would you bear witness? Testify
                that the Emperor moved against us

                If they believed me...there would
                be general warfare between the
                Great Houses and the Emperor.

                Chaos. Across the Imperium.

                 But suppose I presented the Emperor
                 with an alternative to chaos. The
                 Emperor has no sons. Only

       The audacity of his words takes their breath away.

                 You'd make a play for the throne?
                 You're a lost boy, hiding in a hole
                 in the ground.

       Paul's voice cracks like a whip:

                 You will call me my Lord or Sire.
                     (more gently)
                 Fremen speak of the Lisan al-Gaib,
                 the Voice from the Outer World who
                 will lead them to Paradise.

       Jessica frowns. Paul is accepting the religious mantle. A
       dangerous game. She murmurs:


       But Kynes looks away, shaken. Her heart wants to believe.


                 I know you loved a Fremen warrior,
                 and lost him in battle. I know you
                 walk in two worlds and are known by
                 many names. I know your dream.

       Kynes stares at Paul, suddenly vulnerable.

                           PAUL (CONT'D)
                 As Emperor, I could make a Paradise
                 of Arrakis with a wave of my hand.

105A   INT. NEXUS - DAY                                        105A

       Kynes's Fremen companions -- six warriors, men and women --
       sit drinking coffee from little silver cups.

       A quiet SCRAPE makes them all freeze like deer. A spill of
       sand from the vents overhead draws their eyes.

      We tilt up to see SARDAUKAR dropping through the vents,
      falling in slow motion on suspensors.

      We track them as they fall -- fifty Imperial soldiers --
      landing lightly on the chamber floor. They look around.

      The Fremen have vanished. One of the Sardaukar stoops to pick
      up a silver coffee cup -- a trickle of coffee in the bottom.
      He frowns thoughtfully --

      -- and the Fremen ERUPT FROM THE SAND all around the
      Sardaukar, KNIVES DRAWN! They leap into battle like
      dervishes, six against fifty. Fighting with superhuman skill.

106   INT. LABORATORY CORRIDOR - DAY                              106

      Duncan Idaho looks up as one of the Fremen comes in from the
      Nexus -- and falls on her face, a knife in her back.

      Sardaukar pour through the door behind her. Twenty of them.
      Idaho looks at them and sees his death. A strange wild joy
      starts up in him. So this is how it ends.

      He SLAPS the door behind him twice. Draws his sword and walks
      to meet the enemy.

107   INT. LABORATORY OFFICE / CORRIDOR - DAY                     107

      Hearing the clash of steel, Paul leaps up and opens the door.

      Halfway down the hall, Duncan Idaho stands against a wall of
      Sardaukar -- his longsword slashing, his shield sparkling.

      There are five Sardaukar dead at Idaho's feet already, but
      there's still fifteen more trying to kill him. Swords and
      daggers snaking into his shield. Idaho fights like a god of
      war. His blade too fast to follow. There's freedom in knowing
      this is his last stand. He ignores the damage he's taking.

      But as Paul watches, a Sardaukar sword rams through Idaho's
      chest and out of his back. Idaho kills the Sardaukar but
      staggers to one knee. Another knife rams into him. Idaho
      kills one more Sardaukar... and falls, dying.

      Paul pulls his knife and leaps forward with a cry.


                Paul, no!

      She drags him back into the office.

      The Sardaukar advance down the hallway toward them.

      Kynes slams the door and locks it. Paul throws himself
      against the door with a howl.

                             JESSICA (CONT'D)
                He's gone!

      Kynes swings a steel file cabinet away from the wall,
      revealing a dark narrow passage. She grabs their stillsuits
      and fremkit from the shelf. Hands them over.


      They hurry through. She swings the door shut behind them: it
      closes like a bank vault, a thick slab of steel.


      The Sardaukar reach the Laboratory Office door and find it
      locked. The lead Sardaukar pulls out a laser cutter to cut
      through the door...

      ...and behind them, impossibly...Duncan stands up.

      A sword through his body. A dagger in his shoulder. He sways
      on his feet as he lifts his long sword.

      The Sardaukar turn. Duncan pulls the sword out of his chest
      as he walks toward them. Dread fills their eyes.

      Duncan goes to his death with a roar, his longsword blazing.

108   INT. LABORATORY PASSAGEWAY - DAY                            108

      Kynes leads Paul and Jessica swiftly down a narrow tunnel.
      Glowtabs light up at their approach and go dark behind them.

      They come to a fork in the tunnel. Kynes points one way.

                Follow the arrows. You'll find a
                desert-rigged thopter ready to fly.
                That storm out there's your best
                shot. Above five thousand meters,
                they're mostly dust. Climb into it.
                Stay on top. You might just live.

                 You're not coming with us?

                 It only seats two. I'll get to the
                 next station and report this attack
                 to the Landsraad.


                     (she grins)
                 I'm Fremen. The desert's my home.

                 Thank you. Good luck!

                 Good luck!

       She disappears down the other passage.

       Paul and Jessica turn and press into the dark -- following
       the dim arrows that light up before them and fade behind.

108A   INT. LABORATORY CORRIDOR - DAY                          108A

       Duncan lies dead, surrounded by nineteen fallen Sardaukar.

109    INT. CAVERN HANGAR - DAY                                    109

       Paul and Jessica enter a cavern where a small ORNITHOPTER --
       sits in a pool of light from an opening in the roof. It's a
       fast, delicate craft compared to the military airships we've
       seen previously: its cockpit a bubble of glass.

       They stow their equipment in the ornithopter and climb in.
       Paul adjusts the pilot's seat. Tests flight controls.

111    EXT. ROCKY SPIRE - DAY                                      111

       The sun still low in the sky. The cloud-wall of the storm
       looms apocalyptically near, wild with lightning.

       Kynes emerges from a rocky spire, rigged for the desert in
       stillsuit and robes. A fremkit on her back. She looks out
       across the desert: in two places WORMSIGN is closing in,
       drawn by the active shields nearby.

      She moves away from the rocks along the ridge of a sand dune.
      As she walks she takes two MAKER HOOKS from her belt and
      telescopes them to full length. Surveying the desert.

      She watches the light ornithopter flown by Paul and Jessica
      mount into the sky and race for the storm. A moment later,
      THREE MILITARY ORNITHOPTERS lift off in pursuit. She frowns.

      screams and tumbles down the dune, losing her maker hooks.

      A SARDAUKAR ASSASSIN walks down the dune after her with a
      bloody blade. At the bottom Kynes lies gasping for breath,
      reaching for her crysknife which has fallen out of reach.

      She looks up. Watches the Sardaukar come. Sand slipping down
      the dune face under his boots.

      He stops, standing over here with a cruel sneer.

                          SARDAUKAR ASSASSIN
                Kynes. You betrayed the Emperor.

      Kynes hears a sound the Sardaukar fails to notice: a HISS of
      sand beneath them, growing louder.

      She begins to pound the sand with her fist, a steady
      drumbeat. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP.

      She snarls at her killer.

                I serve only one master. His name
                is Shai-Hulud!

      The desert opens up beneath them as a SANDWORM surfaces, its
      great maw open wide. It devours them both in a flood-tide of
      sand and sinks back down into darkness.

112   INT. ORNITHOPTER - DAY                                   112

      Paul pushes the power bar forward and pulls back on the yoke.
      The little ornithopter's engines whine as it dashes for the
      storm, sinking them into their seats as it climbs.

                Jet-flares behind us.

      Paul looks back. Sees three Harkonnen `thopters in pursuit.

      He slams the power arm forward. The `thopter leaping like a
      frightened animal across the sky. Ahead of them, the rust-
      colored cloud wall of the sandstorm. Big as a hurricane.
                      Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)              97.

Each of the pursuing ornithopters fires a MISSILE. The three
missiles track them and close fast. COLLISION WARNINGS whine
inside Paul and Jessica's cockpit.

Paul banks closer to the cloud wall, watching the altimeter.
3000 meters and climbing...

                    JESSICA (CONT'D)
          We're not high enough!

He weaves desperately: but the missiles track the ornithopter
easily. Closing fast. They're not going to make it.

                      JESSICA (CONT'D)

Paul twists the yoke -- and BANKS THEM INTO THE STORM-WALL.

The storm tumbles the ornithopter like a leaf in a gale. The
wings buckle dangerously. Paul closes the aircraft's wings.

The missiles follow into the hurricane -- and they, too, are
snatched from their courses and hurled chaotically away. They
explode, painting ribbons of fire through the storm.

The Harkonnen ornithopters break off: the sandstorm is death.

Paul and Jessica are crushed into their seats by their
ornithopter's spin. Sand SINGS against the fuselage. Paul
fires jets in bursts. Slowing their rotation.

Visibility drops to zero. Only the wash of dust over the
windscreen and the green light of the instrument panel.

Paul eases the wings open to short stubs, struggling for
control -- and the engines die. (Instruments retain power.)

The only sounds are the wind, and creaking metal, and sand
scouring the hull. The altimeter still spins: tumbling
chaotically, they are rising. Climbing past 4000 meters.

          I must not fear. Fear is the mind-

Jessica hears him and joins him, in an attitude of prayer:

                    PAUL & JESSICA
          Fear is the little death that
          brings total obliteration. I will
          face my fear...

Paul fights to controls the tumbling ornithopter, flying dead-
stick. The engines are out.

113   EXT. ARRAKEEN RESIDENCY - DAY                               113

      The Harkonnen Dreadnought still hovers over the great house.
      Harkonnen guards stationed at every door. In total control.

114   INT. ARRAKEEN RESIDENCY - BATH ROOM - DAY                   114

      The Baron reclines in a high-tech tub filled with a viscous
      orange fluid. He's coated to the collarbones.

      One of his cheeks is spiderwebbed with white threads, like
      cracks in an old painting. The after-effects of the poison.

      Two teenage SLAVES tend to him: a boy and a girl, both very
      pretty, in revealing tunics. Both terrified. The boy feeds
      the Baron fruit from a platter while the girl dabs
      tentatively at his craquelured cheek with a medical swab.

      Rabban enters and approaches the tub. Averting his eyes.

                          BARON HARKONNEN

      The female slave touches the Baron with a swab and he jerks
      away in pain, slapping the swab from her hand. She cringes.

                We chased them into a Coriolis
                storm. Winds at eight hundred
                kilometers an hour. Nothing
                survives such a storm. They are
                dead. It is a certainty.

      The Baron takes a deep breath.

                          BARON HARKONNEN
                So it's done. At last.

      He beckons to the slave girl to resume her ministrations.

                          BARON HARKONNEN (CONT'D)
                Send word to Giedi Prime to begin
                selling our spice reserves. Slowly!
                We don't want the price to fall.
                You cannot imagine what it cost me
                to bring such force to bear here. I
                want you squeeze, Rabban. Squeeze

                Yes, Uncle. And the Fremen?
                          Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)             99.

                           BARON HARKONNEN
                 The Fremen? Kill them all.

125   INT. ORNITHOPTER (IN FLIGHT) - DAY                          125

      The altimeter reads 8000 meters.

      On Paul.

                           KYNES (V.O.)                                  
                 Above five thousand meters, they're                     
                 mostly dust. Climb into it. Stay on                     
                 top. You might just live.                               

                           PAUL (V.O.)                                   
                 8000 meters. We're still climbing.                      

      Dust has penetrated the cockpit. It swirls across the deck         
      and hangs in the air, laden with spice -- orange motes             
      drifting before his eyes. Jessica coughs in the dust.              

                            PAUL (V.O.)                                  
                 I'll need to time the top of the                        
                 vortex. I can see it. It will be                        
                 there... In few seconds... I can                        
                 see it....                                              

      Paul opens the wings. It takes all his strength. They creak
      and whine -- but they unfurl.

126   EXT. DUST STORM - DAY                                       126

      The little ornithopter breaks out of the vast storm, miles
      up. Banking away from the hurricane into blue skies.

      The aircraft's glass bubble has been scoured to a milky
      translucence by dust. The wings are bent and trembling. The
      engines choked by dust compacted hard as concrete.

      The ornithopter is a glider now.

127   INT. ORNITHOPTER (IN FLIGHT) - DAY                          127

      Descending silently and swiftly, Paul sees warning lights
      multiply across his instrument panels as systems fail.

                 As soon as we're down, run for the

      Jessica nods, bracing herself against the fuselage.
                            Golden Rev. (06/12/20)                100.

128    EXT. DESERT - DAY                                           128

       The ornithopter skips across the sand, struts breaking, wings
       crumpling, and comes to a stop tilted onto one side.

       Paul and Jessica climb out, grab their gear,   and run --
       struggling through the deep soft sand toward   the rocks.
       Halfway to the ridge they hear the deep HISS   of sand...the
       rending of metal behind them as a worm takes   the wreck.

       Only when they reach the rocks do they look back -- in time
       to see a huge wormsign disappearing into the deep desert. The
       sun beats down. Heat shimmers off the rocks and dunes.

       Jessica peels off her nightgown. Paul turns his back and
       undresses. They slither into stillsuits.

       CUT TO

       They are ready to go.

                 Now we have to find the Fremen.

128A   EXT. ROCK RIDGE - DAY                                      128A

       Paul walks followed by Jessica. He's lost in thoughts.

                           VOICE (O.S.)
                 My dear friend.

128B   EXT. ARRAKIS DESERT - DAY                                  128B

       From Paul's point of view, we're sitting inside a cave.

       We turn to see a rugged male Fremen named JAMIS, who
       instantly puts us at ease with his calm and pleasant

       Jamis looks now very close to camera...

                 Deep in your heart you know it's
                 not you. You are not the One. Don't
                 take that burden on your shoulders.
                 You are free. I'll show you the
                 ways of the desert. Come with me.
                         Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                101.

129   EXT. ROCK RIDGE - DAY                                       129

      Paul and Jessica work their way along the rocky ridge,
      staying close to cover -- until the ridge peters out. They
      gaze across a four-kilometer stretch of open sand to a rock
      formation on the far side. Paul studies the paracompass.

      Jessica stares across the sand through binoculars.

                There's greenery over there.

      She passes the binoculars to Paul. He peers through them,
      seeing cactus and sage growing high in the rocks.

                That has to mean people.
                We'll cross after dark. Like the
                Fremen do.

131   EXT. ROCKY RIDGE - NIGHT                                    131

      The stars are out. Both moons nearly full, painting the
      desert with blue light.

                Remember. Walk without rhythm. Like                      
                the Fremen do. Erratic movement.                         

      He demonstrates. Step-step...step-drag...wait... She follows.
      Together they cross the sand under the moonlight, side by
      side. The extraordinary skill of their bodies pressed into
      service in a strange new motion. They leave strange tracks.

      They continue sandwalking, without rhythm. It's exhausting.

      A low HISSING. Jessica points. Far off, WORMSIGN: a wave of
      sand cresting nearer. They stave off panic and keep walking.

      Fatigue makes Paul stumble onto a plain of hardened sand.
      BOOM BOOM! His steps echo like explosions across the plain.

                             PAUL (CONT'D)
                Drum sand!

      The worm, which had been headed for the thumper, immediately
      changes course and drives straight for them.


      They run, heedless of the drum sand, raising an unholy
      thunder. The worm gaining on them. They run into sand, then
      into pea gravel that rolls underfoot. The worm still gaining.

      As they reach the rocks on the far side, Paul stumbles and
      falls. Jessica runs on without him before she realizes Paul's
      been left behind. She turns back.

      Paul rises to his feet as the sandworm surfaces -- the first
      time we've seen a worm's mouth fully revealed. A vast half-
      circle of death ringed with crysknife teeth in the moonlight.

      Paul stands frozen in front of it. Its spice-laden breath
      washes over him.

      A distant THUDDING echoes across the sand. A thumper!

      The giant eyeless beast turns away, submerging and questing
      away across the sand after that rhythm. Paul and Jessica
      watch the worm go.

      They turn back to the rock outcrop.

      They climb upward.

132   EXT. ROCKY BASIN - NIGHT                                    132

      At the top they find a natural amphitheater with rough rock
      walls and a floor of sandy earth. PLANTS are growing here:
      sage and saguaro and mesquite among the jagged stones.

                Someone called it.

      Paul makes a hand signal: we are not alone.

      Quiet STIRRINGS all around them. Dozens of silhouettes rise
      against the stars. They are surrounded by an entire tribe!

      Paul and Jessica spin, seeking escape -- but there's no way
      out. They are encircled. They stand back-to-back.

                          STILGAR (O.S.)
                Do not run. You will only waste
                your bodies' water.

      Four ATTACKERS move forward, hands on their knives, to claim
      the interlopers' lives.


      A startled silence.
                   Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)                103.

                    STILGAR (O.S.)

The Attackers stop advancing. Stilgar walks out into the
moonlight to face Paul. Paul meets his eyes.

          I was there when you came to my
          father's council. With Duncan
          Idaho. You know me.

Stilgar studies his face in the moonlight, and nods.

          This is the Duke's son.

One of the four attackers, a rangy wolf of a man with a
bristling beard, snarls in answer. This is JAMIS.

          Why are you waiting? We need their                      

          This is the boy I told you about.                       
          The chosen one. We can't touch him.                     

                    FEMEN WOMAN (NAME?)                           
          How can he be the Lisan Al Gaïb?                        

                    FREMEN MAN                                    
          He hasn't proven himself.                               

          They are weaklings!                                     

          Jamis, hold. That was a brave                           
          crossing they made in the path of                       
          Shai Hulud. He does not speak or                        
          act like a weakling. Nor did his                        

          My thumper saved his life. Come to                      
          your senses, Stilgar. He's not the                      

          We have powerful friends. If you
          help us get offworld, to Caladan --
          you'll be well rewarded.

          What wealth can you offer beyond
          the water in your flesh?

Stilgar clenches his jaw.

He does know the law.

He considers Jessica and Paul, and passes sentence.

                    STILGAR (CONT'D)
          The boy is young. He can learn.
          Liet favors him. He may have
          sanctuary. But the woman is
          untrained and too old to learn our

Stilgar looks at Jessica with grave courtesy.

He reaches for his crysknife.

Jessica flashes into motion: trapping his hand, pummeling his
body. She spins him around. The knife she seized from the
troopers on the ornithopter flashes into her hand.

In a moment she's backed up against the cliff, Stilgar pinned
before her in a chokehold, her knife at his throat.

Paul darts for the shadows. Jamis leaps to intercept him.
Paul kicks him in the solar plexus, chops his neck with
perfect precision, and catches his pistol as it falls.

The Fremen swiftly close in on Jessica, weapons ready -- but
she tightens her grip until Stilgar shouts:

                    STILGAR (CONT'D)
          Back, you dogs! She'll cut my

Paul swarms up the rock face until he finds a ledge that will
hold him. He crouches in the shadows, controlling his
breathing. The pistol aimed at Stilgar.

          One move and you die.

              (to Jessica)
          Why didn't you say you were a
          weirding woman and a fighter?

          The conversation ran short.

She bears down on his neck until he cries out again.

          Peace, woman! I judged hastily.

The words send a superstitious shiver through the tribe.

Cautiously Jessica releases Stilgar. He steps free and calls
out to the tribe.

   (in Chakobsa, subtitled)     Zeyaashaha qumih. Oma jiladha
The night is fading. We must    a-Sich Tabra. Ru vaanar
reach Sietch Tabr. The fates    liikasat ziha dimadhagas
of these strangers will be      chos. A-vannat belilii hiyak!
decided there. Until then       Ukairibii unak.
they have my countenance! My    (PHONETIC:ze-YAA-sha-ha QU-
word is on them.                mih. o-ma JI-la-dha a-SICH
   (to Jessica)                 TAB-ra. ru VAA-nar LII-ka-sat
Tell your boy to come down.     zi-ha DI-ma-dha-gas CHOS. a-
He made more noise than shai-   VAN-nat BE-li-lii hi-yak! u-
hulud climbing that cliff.      KAI-ri-bii u-nak.)

Fremen rush into the shadows and help Jamis to his feet.

          Paul. Come down.


Paul stands, lowering the pistol. A SLIM YOUNG WOMAN rises
from the shadows beside him, masked by her stillsuit. Her
crysknife shines in the moonlight. This is CHANI.

          I would not have let you hurt my

She opens her stillsuit mask to look at him curiously.

                    CHANI (CONT'D)
          They say you are the Mahdi.
          But you look like any boy.

Paul stares at her: at a face he knows as well as his own.
The girl of his recurring dreams. Chani smiles.

                     CHANI (CONT'D)
          You chose the hardest way up.
          Follow me.

132A   EXT. ROCKY BASIN - NIGHT                                   132A

       Chani leaps lightly down the rocky slope to rejoin the
       others. Paul slides down behind her, less gracefully.

       Stilgar points at the maula pistol in Paul's sash. Beckons
       for it. Paul glances at Jessica. She nods. He gives it up.

                 You will have your own maula
                 pistol, when you've earned it.

       Stilgar tosses the gun to Jamis, who holsters it furiously.

                           STILGAR (CONT'D)
                 Chani. Take charge of the
                 newcomers. See that they are safe
                 on the journey.

       The girl nods. Paul's eyes go to her. Her name is Chani!

                 I will not have them!

                 Jamis! I have spoken. Be still.

                 No. You talk like a leader. But the
                 strongest leads! She bested you. I
                 challenge her! I invoke the amtal!

       A murmur of shock and excitement among the Fremen.

                 You may not challenge a Sayyadina.

                 Then who will fight in her name?

                 Jamis. Don't do this. The night is

                 Then Al-lat, the Sun, will witness
                 this death. Where is her champion?

       All eyes turn to Paul. He finds himself stepping forward.

       Jamis snarls in satisfaction. This is what he wanted. He
       begins to strip off his stillsuit.
                             Golden Rev. (06/12/20)            107.

                           JAMIS (CONT'D)
                 I accept her champion!

132B   EXT. ROCKY BASIN - PRE-DAWN                                132B

       The Fremen have cleared the ground of a rocky platform. Jamis
       paces the circle, a crysknife in his hand. Eager to fight.

       Jessica watches in dismay as preparations are made for her
       son to fight this seasoned warrior. The sky grows lighter in
       the east: the gray twilight before dawn.

       Paul is facing a wall, lost in thoughts. He has a sudden


       Paul fights with Jamis. Paul feels a pain in his chest. He
       has been stabbed. He falls on his knees. Jamis holds a
       crysknife with blood on it.


       Paul removes his gear and gets ready for the fight. He feels
       alone like never before. He looks at his father's ring and
       puts it back in one of his pockets.

       Chani comes beside him.

                 I don't believe you are the Lisan
                 Al Gaib. But I want you to die with

       She places her own crysknife in his hands.

                           CHANI (CONT'D)
                 This crysknife was given to me by
                 my great aunt. It's made out of a
                 tooth of Shai-Hulud. The great
                 sandworm. This will be an honor for
                 you to die holding it.

                           JAMIS (O.S.)
                 Where is the outworlder?!

                 Jamis is a strong fighter. He won't
                 let you suffer.

                    Golden Rev. (06/12/20)              108.


Paul considers telling her about his visions... Paul looks at
Chani in the eyes. She is troubled. A strange intimate
silence between them.

          I... Never mind.

Chani walks Paul to the circle. Paul steps into the circle,
weighing the strange knife in his hands. He tosses and
catches it a few times to get the feel.

          May thy knife chip and shatter!

Paul salutes with his knife in the chivalric manner. They
begin to circle one another.

                    JAMIS (CONT'D)
          You should welcome my blade! This
          world will kill you. Quicker this

He attacks immediately and repeatedly: swift brutal blows,
each one a killing stroke. He is utterly confident: taller,
stronger, contemptuous of this weak foreign boy.

But in Paul, Jamis has met a level of training the Fremen
have never seen. Paul evades and deflects every attack
without breaking a sweat, calm and steady. Each time his
counter-attack is exquisitely graceful, on-target...

...and slow. Timed as if Jamis wore a shield. Each time Jamis
jerks away in time to survive.

Swiftly it becomes plain that Jamis is badly overmatched. He
is tiring, covered with sweat, while Paul is unruffled.

He lunges -- and Paul meets his arm with the point of his
blade, dealing a nasty wound. Jamis leaps back with a snarl.

          Do you yield?

A murmur of protest among the Fremen. Stilgar speaks up.

          The boy doesn't know our rule.
          There can be no yielding under the
          amtal rule. Death is the test of

       Kill or be killed. Paul swallows hard and comes on guard.

       The fighters clash again and again. Every time Paul proves
       untouchable, but fails to strike a killing blow.

                           STILGAR (CONT'D)
                     (quietly, to Jessica)
                 Is he toying with him?

                     (under her breath)
                 No. Paul has never killed a man.

       Stilgar's eyes widen as he understands what he's seeing.

       Jamis makes a savage, desperate run at Paul. He leaps,
       spinning in the air -- and as he spins his knife switches
       hands, striking from a new angle --

       But Paul has seen the switch. He too switches knife hands --
       blocking Jamis's knife arm with his empty hand. With the
       other he drives his knife under Jamis's ribs into his heart.

       A gout of blood slashes across Paul's body.

       Paul steps away like a matador as Jamis crashes to the floor.

       A few Fremen rush in, wrapping Jamis in a plasticine sheet.

132C   MINUTES LATER - DAWN (BEFORE SUNRISE)                      132C

       The light of daybreak grows stronger in the East. Chani looks
       at Paul with something like awe.

       The Fremen flock around Paul, congratulating him, touching
       him. Marveling at his skill. A glow of pride creeping across
       Paul's face. This combat is sacred to them. He is accepted.

                 You are one of us now. A life for a
                 life. Come with us to Sietch Tabr.
                 The night is flown: We must travel
                 under the sun.

       Jessica is troubled. Seeing her son become a killer, a
       tribesman among these savage people...

                 Paul needs to get offworld. You
                 must have ways. Smugglers. Ships...

                         Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020)              110.

      She looks at her son. Paul's eyes flash in the light of the
      breaking day. His vision is clear.

                          PAUL (CONT'D)
                The Emperor sent us to this place.
                And my father came -- not for the
                spice, but for the strength of
                these people. I am the Duke now.
                And my road leads into the desert.
                I can see it. If you'll have us.

      Jessica nods. Not understanding, but trusting him. Paul looks
      at Stilgar.

                          PAUL (CONT'D)
                We will come. And learn your ways.                     

133   EXT. ROCKY RIDGELINE - DAWN                               133

      The tribe moves single file along an elevated ridge. Stilgar
      leads: at the tail of the column, three Fremen carry Jamis's
      wrapped body. A treasure of water.

      In the middle of the column, Paul clutches at Jessica's arm.
      Staring at the sun. She turns to look.

      Far-off, silhouetted against the sunrise, a SANDWORM passes,
      traveling on the surface. On its back, hanging on with "maker
      hooks," FREMEN are riding -- robes fluttering in the wind.

      Paul and Jessica watch the worm pass by in awe. Paul turns to
      whisper to his mother in fierce triumph.

                Desert power!

      She smiles in the golden light, making his heart skip a beat.
      This is the image from his visions. The dream girl.

                This is only the beginning.

      She turns and walks on across the rocks in the golden light.
      He follows. Around them the sands stretch toward the horizon.
      Toward a future he cannot see.

                                                   FADE TO BLACK.

                                                        THE END.

Dune Part One

Writers :   Jon Spaihts  Denis Villeneuve  Eric Roth
Genres :   Sci-Fi  Action  Adventure

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