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The Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb) |
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crime Movie Scripts15 Minutes (Undated Draft) 25th Hour (2001-04 Draft) 44 Inch Chest (Undated Draft) A Few Good Men (1991-07 Revised draft) A Most Violent Year (Undated Draft) A Prayer Before Dawn (2016-02 Draft) A Scanner Darkly (Undated Draft) Absolute Power (1996-05 Draft) Alien Nation (1987-10 Draft) American Gangster (2006-07 Shooting draft) American History X (1997-02 Draft) American Hustle (Undated Draft) American, The (2009-05 Second draft) Analyze That (2002-06 Draft) Analyze This (1998-07 Draft) Antitrust (Undated Shooting draft) Arsenic and Old Lace (Undated Draft) Bad Country (2012-05 Draft) Bad Lieutenant (1990-11 First Draft) Bad Santa (2002-02 Draft) Badlands (1973 Draft) Basic Instinct (Undated Draft) Batman (1988-10 Draft) Batman 2 (Undated Draft) Batman Begins (Undated Draft) Beekeeper, The (Undated Draft) Big Eyes (Undated Draft) Big White, The (2004-03 Draft) Birthday Girl (2001 Draft) Black Dahlia, The (Undated Draft) Black Rain (1987-11 Draft) BlacKkKlansman (Undated Draft) Bling Ring, The (2012-03 Shooting script) Blood and Wine (1994-12 Second draft) Blow (Undated Draft) Blue Velvet (Undated Draft) Blues Brothers, The (Undated Draft) Body Heat (Undated Draft) Bonnie and Clyde (Undated Draft) Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day (2007-09 Draft) Boondock Saints, The (1997-08 Shooting draft) Bottle Rocket (Undated Draft) Bound (Undated Draft) Bounty Hunter, The (2007-09 First draft) Brothers Bloom, The (Undated Draft) Burn After Reading (Undated Draft) Capote (Undated Draft) Casino (Undated Draft) Catch Me If You Can (Undated Draft) Catwoman (2003-02 Second Draft Polish) Cecil B. Demented (1998-06 Fourth draft) Cellular (2003-07 Draft) Changeling (Undated Draft) Chaos (2004-03 Shooting script) Chinatown (Undated Draft) Collateral (2003-08 Draft) Colombiana (2009-08 Draft) Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (1998-05 Draft) Confidence (2000-03 Draft) Copycat (Undated Draft) Cradle 2 the Grave (2002-05 Draft) Crank (2005-02 Draft) Crime Spree (1996-03 First draft) Croupier (Undated Shooting draft) Crow Salvation, The (Undated Draft) Crow: City of Angels, The (Undated Draft) Dark Knight Rises, The (Undated Draft) Dark Knight, The (Undated Draft) Darkman (1989-02 Draft) Date Night (2008-06 Draft) Death to Smoochy (1997-03 Draft) Deception (2005-09 Draft) Deep Cover (Undated Draft) Departed, The (Undated Shooting draft) Devil in a Blue Dress (1994-03 Draft) Donnie Brasco (1992-07 Draft) Double Indemnity (Undated Draft) Drive (2010-09 Draft) Drive Angry (2009-03 Draft) Eastern Promises (Undated Draft) El Mariachi (Undated Draft) Entrapment (1996-12 Draft) Extract (2008-03 Draft) Face Off (1996-09 Draft) Fargo (Undated Draft) Fatal Instinct (1993 Draft) Fracture (2005-01 Draft) French Connection, The (1971-04 Draft) Frozen River (Undated Draft) Gang Related (Undated Shooting draft) Gangs of New York (2002 Draft) Get Carter (Undated Revised draft) Get Shorty (Undated Draft) Getaway, The (1972-02 Draft) Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (Undated Draft) Go (1997-04 Draft) Godfather (1971-03 Draft) Godfather Part II (1973-09 Draft) Godfather Part III, The (1979-03 First draft) Gone Baby Gone (Undated Draft) Gone in 60 Seconds (1999-04 Draft) Goodfellas (1989-01 Shooting draft) Gran Torino (Undated Draft) Grifters, The (1989-03 Draft) Grosse Point Blank (1994-05 Draft) Hackers (Undated Draft) Hancock (Undated Draft) Hangover, The (2007-09 Draft) Hanna (Undated Draft) Hard Rain (Undated Shooting draft) Heat (1994-03 Draft) Heavenly Creatures (1994 Draft) Heist (1999-03 Draft) Henry's Crime (Undated Draft) Horrible Bosses (2010-04 Draft) Hostage (2002-03 Early draft) Hudson Hawk (1990-06 Draft) I Spit on Your Grave (2009-10 Draft) In the Bedroom (Undated Draft) Insomnia (2000-02 Draft) Intolerable Cruelty (1997-03 Draft) Italian Job, The (2001-12 Draft) Jackie Brown (1997-03 Draft) Jade (1994-05 Draft) JFK (1991 Draft) John Q (Undated Draft) John Wick (Undated Draft) John Wick: Chapter 4 (2022-01 Draft) Joker (2018-04 Early Draft) Judge Dredd (1994-03 Second draft) Kalifornia (Undated Draft) Kill Bill Volume 1 & 2 (Undated Draft) Killer, The (2022-10 Draft) Killers of the Flower Moon (2022-08 Shooting script) Killing Zoe (Undated Draft) King of Comedy, The (1976-12 Draft) Klute (Undated Draft) L.A. Confidential (1995-11 Draft) Ladykillers, The (Undated Draft) Law Abiding Citizen (2008-09 Draft) Les Tontons Flingueurs (Undated Draft) Lethal Weapon (Undated Draft) Lethal Weapon 4 (1998-05 Draft) Life of David Gale, The (1998-03 First draft) Limey, The (1998-08 Draft) Lincoln Lawyer, The (2006-07 Draft) Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998 Draft) Lone Star (Undated Draft) Looper (Undated Production draft) Lord of War (Undated Draft) Losers, The (2007-02 Draft) Machine Gun Preacher (2010-09 Shooting draft) Made (Undated Draft) Malignant (Undated Draft) Man On Fire (2003-02 Second Draft) Man Who Wasn't There, The (2001 Draft) Manhattan Murder Mystery (Undated Draft) Mariachi, El (Undated Draft) Mask, The (Undated Final draft) Matchstick Men (2002-10 Draft) Max Payne (2007-08 Draft) Mean Streets (Undated Draft) Mechanic, The (2009-07 Draft) Miami Vice (2004-09 First draft) Midnight Express (1977-06 Revised draft) Miller's Crossing (Undated Draft) Mini's First Time (Undated Draft) Minority Report (2001-05 Draft) Mr Brooks (Undated Draft) Natural Born Killers (1995-05 Draft) Next Three Days, The (2009-08 Shooting script) Nick of Time (1995-03 Draft) Ninja Assassin (2008-06 Draft) No Country for Old Men (Undated Draft) O Brother Where Art Thou? (Undated Draft) Observe and Report (Undated Draft) Ocean's Eleven (2001-05 Late production draft) Ocean's Twelve (Undated Draft) Only God Forgives (Undated Second draft) Out of Sight (1998-03 Draft) Panic Room (2000-02 Draft) Perfect World, A (1992-12 Draft) Pineapple Express (2006-11 Draft) Point Break (1991 Draft) Public Enemies (2007-11 Draft) Pulp Fiction (1993-05 Draft) Reindeer Games (Undated Draft) Reservoir Dogs (1990-10 Draft) Robocop (1986-06 Draft) RocknRolla (2007-06 Draft) Romeo & Juliet (1995-10 Shooting script) Ronin (1997-05 Draft) Rush Hour (Undated Draft) Rush Hour 2 (Undated Draft) S. Darko (Undated Second draft) Salton Sea, The (Undated Draft) Saw (Undated Transcript) Scarface (Undated Draft) Serial Mom (1992-07 Draft) Shallow Grave (Undated Final draft) Sherlock Holmes (2008-09 Draft) Sicario (Undated Draft) Silence of the Lambs (Undated Draft) Sister Act (1991-07 Draft) Slumdog Millionaire (2007-11 Draft) Smokin' Aces (2005-04 Draft) Snatch (1999-08 Draft) Sneakers (Undated Draft) Someone To Watch Over Me (1986-12 Draft) Spartan (2002 Draft) Sting, The (Undated Draft) Strange Days (1993-08 Draft) Suspect Zero (2001-11 Shooting draft) Taking Lives (2003-02 Early draft) Taking of Pelham One Two Three, The (1973-04 Draft) Talented Mr. Ripley, The (1999-11 Draft) Taxi Driver (Undated Draft) Thelma & Louise (1990-06 Draft) Thunderheart (1990-10 Fourth draft) Ticker (1997-11 Original draft) Town, The (2010-05 Draft) Traffic (Undated Draft) True Romance (Undated Draft) Usual Suspects, The (1994-05 Draft) Visitor, The (Undated Draft) Wall Street (1987-03 Draft) Wanted (2005-12 Draft) We Own the Night (Undated Draft) While She Was Out (2006-12 Fifth draft) White Jazz (2007-09 Draft) White Ribbon, The (Undated Draft) Whiteout (2006-12 Draft) Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1986-09 Draft) Wild At Heart (Undated Draft) Wild Things (1997-01 Draft) Witness (Undated Draft) Wolf of Wall Street, The (2013-03 Shooting script) |